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History 60 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

What were the effects of U.S. foreign policy after the Spanish American War in the following countries 1. Philippines: 2. Cuba: 3. Puerto Rico: 4. Hawaii: 5. China:

OpenStudy (anonymous):

The Spanish-American war gave the United States for the first time an overseas Empire. Unable to pay the indemnity for the war, Spain withdrew from Cuba and gave the Philippines to the United States to pay for the war. The war was in full aggreement with U.S visions at the time. U.S was pursuing an 'Open Door' policy which aimed at obtaining a wide range of economic opportunities in Asia. The ideas of an 'informal empire' were being pushed by Alfred Thayer Mahan who wrote a very influential book in which suggested the U.S should obtain an island chain of colonies for economic growth. The war was also a fulfillment of the U.S aim of the Monroe Doctrine which aimed that the U.S should secure the Western hemisphere of colonial European rivalry which could infringe on U.S economic / political interests. This was one of the reasons why the U.S went to war against Spain - to kick the spanish out of nearby Cuba. After the war, the U.S moved to annex Hawaii which was ruled by a Queen. Hawaii was controlled by U.S business interests, which pushed for Hawaii to be annexed by the U.S. But it was the Spanish-U.S war that finally gave the President Taylor and his VP Roosevelt, the opportunity to annex Hawaii. The Spanish-American war was also the fulfillment regionally of the American vision of 'Manifest Destiny' in which the U.S expanded not only throughout america, but also globally. The U.S vision of being a 'city on a hill' or a beacon of truth and justice as envisioned by the puritans and by George Washington. From the War, the U.S not only aquired Philipppines and also Hawaii, but also Samoa. The U.S also expanded its economic influence not only in Latin America, but also used its new colonies in SE Asia to push U.S interests throughout Asia, especially China and Japan. But the aquirement of colonies now forced the U.S to act globally to protect its colonies and economic interests. Under Roosevelt, the U.S acted in Panama, pursued economic 'Open Door policy' in China, intervened to protect its interests and opportunities in Europe. The U.S is now moving towards a much more global approach in foreign policy - more than it did so in the past.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

that helps like 3/5 of the question....

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Thank You :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

your welcome

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