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Mathematics 112 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Kylee manages a small theme park and she has been analyzing the attendance data. Kylee finds that the number of visitors increases exponentially as the temperature increases, and this situation is represented by the function f(x) = 4x. Kylee also finds a linear equation that models the number of people who leave the park early depending on the change in temperature, and it is represented by f(x) = −x + 5. The graph of the two functions is below. Find the solution to the two functions and explain what the solution represents i Will give a way medal for the answer

OpenStudy (anonymous):

OpenStudy (anonymous):

someone please help

Mehek (mehek14):

the solution would be the place where the lines intersect

OpenStudy (anonymous):

but what is the solution

Mehek (mehek14):

the ordered pair where the lines intersect |dw:1434398759835:dw|

Mehek (mehek14):

so where do both lines intersect

OpenStudy (anonymous):


Mehek (mehek14):

correct so that's the solution

OpenStudy (anonymous):

what does it represent

Mehek (mehek14):

well what do you think?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

the point of intersection

Mehek (mehek14):

yes but about the situation

OpenStudy (anonymous):

people who leave the park

Mehek (mehek14):

yes so when the temp increases, the number of people who leave earlier decreases

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thank u

Mehek (mehek14):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

can you help me with another question

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