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Mathematics 72 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Kylee manages a small theme park and she has been analyzing the attendance data. Kylee finds that the number of visitors increases exponentially as the temperature increases, and this situation is represented by the function f(x) = 4x. Kylee also finds a linear equation that models the number of people who leave the park early depending on the change in temperature, and it is represented by f(x) = −x + 5. The graph of the two functions is below. Find the solution to the two functions and explain what the solution represents.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Really need help with this, at least an explanation of what the question is asking

OpenStudy (anonymous):

No unfortunately, this is an online class and I can't open the video lessons for some reason cause my Java is incompatible or something. I've been going off khanacademy

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Should I just set the equations equal to eachother?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

x + 4^x = 5?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

That makes no sense to me

OpenStudy (jingle535):

I believe the solution is where the lines intersect (4,1) and the solution represents the location where the temperature and the guests are the same.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Do you know the numerical value? And I think it's actually 1,4

OpenStudy (jingle535):

Yeah I think its 1,4 sorry I was thinking about something else that had the order y,x. As for a numerical value, I do not see how you could get a numerical value unless you had more information.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I dunno, your answer just seems too clear-cut.. I feel like i'll get the question wrong haha

OpenStudy (jingle535):

Where do you think you could get a numerical value from?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I have no clue, it just seems like there would be more considering there are two functions they give you. I thought it might've been like a systems of equations but that didn't make much sense either

OpenStudy (jingle535):

Look here that shows what I am talking about somewhat.

OpenStudy (jingle535):

I mean you can use math to check that your answer works but otherwise I do not think there is anything else. Sometimes things are easier then they seem :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I hope! Thanks for your help, Jingle

OpenStudy (jingle535):

No problem, sorry about that point mix up ;)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

All good lol

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