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Mathematics 63 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

A bag of chips costs $3.79 including tax. Mr. Connor wants to purchase chips for his class and has a $15 budget. Write an inequality to solve for the number of bags of chips Mr. Connor can purchase with his budget If you could help me understand.

OpenStudy (calculusxy):

\[\large \color{blue}{$3.79x \le $15}\] We know that bag of chips cost $3.79 and Mr. Connor has a budget of $15. He wishes to purchase a certain number of bags that will be within this budget and not exceed it. Therefore, if we have \(\large \color{blue}{x}\) being the unknown number of chips, then we can assume that we need to find out the number of bags that will suffice within $15. That is why we have the inequality symbol of "less than or equal to" or \(\le\).

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Thank you.

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