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Mathematics 68 Online
OpenStudy (acespeedfighter):

The table below shows 10 data values: What values of minimum, Q1, median, Q3, and maximum should be used to make a box plot for this data? (1 point) 224 245 203 290 217 236 262 216 224 245 Minimum = 203, Q1 = 245, median = 230, Q3 = 217, maximum = 290 Minimum = 203, Q1 =217, median = 230, Q3 = 245, maximum = 290 Minimum = 216, Q1 = 236, median = 240, Q3 = 245, maximum = 262 Minimum = 216, Q1 =245, median = 240, Q3 = 236, maximum = 262

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