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English 98 Online

For this assessment you must complete a first draft of your narrative story based on "The Pomegranate Seeds."


ASDFGHJKL I remember this story. *-* Twas stewpid. e.e


Ok so my story is going to be about King pluto and how he found Procerpina Im gonna start writing and ill show yew da finished product

Eiwoh2: was a hard assessment to do.


its was?


Basically. I'm not so big on writing narratives. You'll have to write one for another one, as well soon. XD


I misunderstood the assignment. e.e I thought it was supposed to be a book I made. So I was liek `Fien.` I wrote it about unicorns, ofc. Teacher's comment: `Great imagination but you did the assignment wrong.` I was liek `I'm not on drugz, I promise`


Eomma Im gonna try to make a story about how king pluto came to be....ish and How he found procerpina


Lol NICE Elsa. x'D


You got this, Anime. It only takes about 2 hours to do. :D




I think i actually still have that assignment on my laptop. I forgot what its called tho, so... XD


Imma prove you i can do dis in less than 2 hours Boi


Go for it. Prove you deserve to be higher than me in ss. xD


XD Eomma Would it matter if it was in 1st person or 3rd person Bc i like Making stories in 1st person


wait it said i could do 1st person nvm XD


Normally, that would be what narrative stories would require, for it to be first person. However, i did one in third person and it was good all the same.


I think it would work as first person. o:


Wat grade did you get, Eiwoh? o;


90. It's because i forgot a little detail....i forget already. XD


Rip ;-;


Yes indeed. x'D


Explain why he felt lonely and wanted a chica, Anime. e.e Like a flashback. o;


ok i was gonna go for a story of how he became King of the underworld and thats what lead him to wanting a chica




Thas good.


e.e Eiwoh, can yew give us an example, please? I failed this terribly. ;-;


I haven't done this assignment in two years. I forgot all about the Pomegranate Seeds...the only thing i remember is that some little girl got adopted by an evil guy, and mother nature came over and started making all the plants die until she got her daughter, the girl, back, thus ending all life on earth or something like that... XD


But yeah, you can try to explain how the evil guy became the king he was and how he grew alone.


In Greek, the little girl would be Persephone, the evil guy, Hades, and Mother Nature, Demeter (Persephone’s mother).


Also, wouldn’t you be depressed and alone if you ruled over the dead?


the little girls name was Procerpina


Oh yeah. Persephone is a hard name to remember, for the i said, it was two years ago. But anyway, you're on a right track, Anime. That sounds like a good idea for your narrative. You got this. ^^


The girl goes further than where her mum told her to go, she picks out a flower, the underground chico arises and es liek `Pedobear is down der` and she liek `ofluff, let's go`. She goes with him, refuses to eat, finally, she eats a pomegranate seed which ruins her life and she has to visit the chico or mum every year. I think. That's how I remember it.


Procerpina. UGH, these names... x'D


King pluto Forced her to live with him and 6 months after he took her he felt bad that she was suffering so he let her go home but she told her mum that she ate 6 seeds and that made her live with king pluto 6 months out of the year


Anime, I assume this assignment is approaching it from the Roman perspective. Then you would be using the Latin names, Proserpina, Pluto, and Ceres.


I was close. e.e


Yes i have to use the latin names Proserpina,Pluto and Ceres


If it's the assignment i was thinking of, Shadow, then yeah, it was from teh Roman perspective. Those three names sound more familiar than the ones from Greek. x'D


Narrative story based on "The Pomegranate Seeds." Title: King Pluto The New king of the Underworld This story is about King Pluto and how he became The king of the underworld. It all started one after noon, Pluto’s Father Titans Cronus had 2 other son’s Zeus and Poseidon. They Joined the Olympian gods to figure out which part of the world they could rule.


^what i have so far


Not sure if you guys remember this bit, but Pluto seized Proserpina whilst she was picking flowers with a couple of other goddesses on a mountain. I know two of them were Diana (Artemis) and Minerva (Athena). There may have been a third though.


Also, the father of Proserpina is Jove (Zeus), who is Pluto’s brother. He is the one who ordered Pluto to take Proserpina.


^non of this was in the story i read non of this is in Pomegranate seeds e.e


From the story, there's only 3 mentioned. Ceres, Proserpina, and Pluto.


I think it was only a part of the full story..




THE STORY: PART 1: At the opening of our story, Mother Ceres is busy tending to the harvest of wheat, corn, rye, and barley; her daughter, Proserpina, begs to go to the seaside while her mother tends to the crops of the world. Mother Ceres hesitantly agrees but warns Proserpina, "The sea nymphs are good creatures, and will never lead you into any harm. But you must take care not to stray away from them, nor go wandering about the fields by yourself. Young girls, without their mothers to take care of them, are very apt to get into mischief." After visiting with the sea nymphs, Proserpina does exactly what her mother feared—she wanders into the forest. Innocently, she looked for and gathered beautiful flowers. One shrub was especially beautiful and seemed to grow new blossoms as Proserpina looked at it, almost as if to tempt her to come closer. It was so wondrous that she almost felt the urge to run away from it. She chided herself for her silliness and decided to pull the shrub and plant it for her mother. As she pulled the shrub, a hole began to form and kept "spreading wider and wider, and growing deeper and deeper, until it really seemed to have no bottom; and all the while, there came a rumbling noise out of its depths, louder and louder, and nearer and nearer, and sounding like the tramp of horses' hoofs and the rattling of wheels. She soon saw a team of four sable (black) horses, snorting smoke out of their nostrils, and tearing their way out of the earth with a splendid golden chariot whirling at their heels. They leaped out of the bottomless hole, chariot and all; and there they were, tossing their black manes and flourishing their black tails, close by the spot where Proserpina stood."


PART 2: In the chariot, a gloomy but handsome man rubbed his eyes as if he had never seen the sunshine. When he saw Proserpina, he beckoned for her to come to him. "Do not be afraid," said he, with as cheerful a smile as he knew how to put on. "Come! Will you not like to ride a little way with me, in my beautiful chariot?" Proserpina's first thought was to call for her mother, but her voice was too quiet to be heard by anyone other than the richly dressed man in the chariot. "Indeed, it is most likely that Ceres was then a thousand miles off, making the corn grow in some far distant country. Nor could it have helped her poor daughter for the stranger leaped to the ground, caught the child in his arms, and again mounted the chariot, shook the reins, and shouted to the four black horses to set off." As they rode on, the stranger did his best to comfort her. "I promise not to do you any harm. What! you have been gathering flowers? Wait till we come to my palace, and I will give you a garden full of prettier flowers than those, all made of pearls, and diamonds, and rubies. Can you guess who I am? They call my name Pluto; and I am the king of diamonds and all other precious stones. The one thing which my palace needs is a merry little maid, to run upstairs and down, and cheer up the rooms with her smile. And this is what you must do for King Pluto." It is my opinion that even King Pluto had never been happy in his palace, and that this was the true reason why he had stolen away Proserpina, in order that he might have something to love, some sunshine in his dark world. They were now on a dark and gloomy road, beyond the reach of sunshine. "We are just entering my dominions . Do you see that tall gateway before us? When we pass those gates, we are at home. And there lies my faithful mastiff at the threshold . Cerberus! Cerberus! Come hither, my good dog!" "Will the dog bite me?" asked Proserpina, fearing the three-headed dog. "What an ugly creature he is!" "O, never fear," answered her companion. "He never harms people, unless they try to enter my dominions without being sent for, or to get away when I wish to keep them here. Down, Cerberus! Now, my pretty Proserpina, we will drive on." Next they crossed over the River Lethe, a magical stream that makes people forget every care and sorrow. Pluto offered Proserpina a sip, which she refused. "I had a thousand times rather be miserable with remembering my mother, than be happy in forgetting her. That dear, dear mother! I never, never will forget her. I will neither drink that nor anything else. Nor will I taste a morsel of food, even if you keep me forever in your palace." To tempt Proserpina to eat a morsel and thereby trap her into staying forever, King Pluto sent for his cook who came up with a menu of sweets, seasoned meats, and rich pastries.


Youch. That came quickly. Time to read. XD


Yeah I read the myths in Latin for my classes. They must have abbreviated it for you. As for what you have so far, it would be more appropriate to title Pluto as an Olympian god. As for Cronus, he was married to his sister Rhea. They birthed the first six Olympian gods, Jove, Pluto, Neptune (Poseidon), Juno (Hera), Ceres, and Vesta (Hestia).


PART 3: "But my story must now clamber out of King Pluto' dominions, and see what Mother Ceres had been about, since she was without her daughter. We had a glimpse of her, as you remember, half hidden among the waving grain, while the four black steeds were swiftly whirling along the chariot, in which her beloved Proserpina was so unwillingly taken away. You recollect, too, the loud scream which Proserpina gave, just when the chariot was out of sight." Mother Ceres raced to their home and throughout the countryside, carrying a torch day and night, looking for her precious Proserpina. Her torch burned bright with hope and flickered with grief, but she never stopped to rest. She became so distraught that she began to neglect her job of watching over the crops, and slowly the land began to die. "At length, in her despair, she came to the dreadful resolution that not a stalk of grain, nor a blade of grass, not a potato, nor a turnip, nor any other vegetable that was good for man or beast to eat, should be suffered to grow until her daughter were restored. She even forbade the flowers to bloom, lest somebody's heart should be cheered by their beauty. It was really pitiful to see the poor, starving cattle and sheep, how they followed behind Ceres, lowing and bleating, as if their instinct taught them to expect help from her; and everybody that was acquainted with her power begged her to have mercy on the human race, and, at all events, to let the grass grow. But Mother Ceres, though naturally of an affectionate disposition, was now inexorable ." "Never," said she. "If the earth is ever again to see any vegetation, it must first grow along the path which my daughter will tread in coming back to me."


PART 4: Everyone became so desperate that they petitioned the gods to intervene. Quicksilver , known for his speed, his short cloak, and his winged cap and shoes, and his snaky staff, was sent to King Pluto, in hopes that he might persuade him to return Proserpina to her mother. Upon entering the dark dominion of the underworld, Quicksilver observed that "little Proserpina beheld this great king standing in his splendid hall, and looking so grand, and so melancholy (sad), and so lonesome, was overcome with a kind of pity. She ran back to him, and, for the first time in all her life, put her small, soft hand in his." "I love you a little," whispered she, looking up in his face. "Well, I have not deserved it of you, after keeping you a prisoner for so many months, and starving you besides. Are you not terribly hungry? Is there nothing which I can get you to eat?" "In asking this question, the king of the mines had a very cunning purpose; for, you will recollect, if Proserpina tasted a morsel of food in his dominions, she would never afterwards be at liberty to quit them." "No indeed," said Proserpina. "I have no appetite for anything in the world, unless it were a slice of bread, of my mother's own baking, or a little fruit out of her garden." Pluto had his servants search the whole earth for fruit for Proserpina, but all they could find was one withered pomegranate. When they presented her with the fruit, Proserpina refused it at first, but could not resist and decided just to smell it. "Dear me! What an everlasting pity!" Before Proserpina knew what she was about, her teeth had actually bitten it, of their own accord. Just as this fatal deed was done, the door of the apartment opened, and in came King Pluto, followed by Quicksilver, who had been urging him to let his little prisoner go. Pluto spoke to his little ray of sunshine, "I can see plainly enough, that you think my palace a dusky prison, and me the iron-hearted keeper of it. And an iron heart I should surely have, if I could detain you here any longer, my poor child, when it is now six months since you tasted food. I give you your liberty. Go with Quicksilver. Hurry home to your dear mother."


PART 5: In a very short time, they emerged upon the surface of the earth. It was delightful to behold, wherever she set her blessed foot, there was at once a dewy flower. The violets gushed up along the wayside. The grass and the grain began to sprout with vigor and luxuriance, to make up for the dreary months that had been wasted in barrenness. The starved cattle immediately set to work grazing, after their long fast, and ate enormously, all day, and got up at midnight to eat more. All the birds in the whole world hopped about upon the newly-blossoming trees, and sang together, in a prodigious ecstasy of joy. Mother Ceres had returned to her deserted home, and was sitting hopelessly on the doorstep, with her torch burning in her hand when Proserpina came running, and flung herself upon her mother's bosom. The grief of their separation had caused both of them to shed a great many tears; and now they shed a great many more, because their joy could not so well express itself in any other way. When their hearts had grown a little more quiet, Mother Ceres looked anxiously at Proserpina. "My child," said she, "did you taste any food while you were in King Pluto's palace?" "Dearest mother," exclaimed Proserpina, "I will tell you the whole truth. Until this very morning, not a morsel of food had passed my lips. But today, they brought me a pomegranate and having seen no fruit for so long a time, and being faint with hunger, I was tempted just to bite it. The instant I tasted it, King Pluto and Quicksilver came into the room. I had not swallowed a morsel; but—dear mother, I hope it was no harm—but six of the pomegranate seeds, I am afraid, remained in my mouth." "Ah, unfortunate child, and miserable me!" exclaimed Ceres. "For each of those six pomegranate seeds you must spend one month of every year in King Pluto's palace. You are but half restored to your mother. Only six months with me, and six with that good-for-nothing King of Darkness!"


Now i remember everything :o


Narrative story based on "The Pomegranate Seeds." Title: King Pluto The New king of the Underworld This story is about King Pluto and how he became The king of the underworld. It all started one after noon, Pluto’s Father Titans Cronus had 2 other son’s Zeus and Poseidon. They Joined the Olympian gods to figure out which part of the world they could rule. In the end Zeus got the Sky, Poseidon got the Sea, and Pluto got the Underworld. Why do I get the underworld said Pluto, because you lost replied Titans Cronus. You now have to live in the underworld for eternity Judging Death said Titans Cronus. Pluto was then sent to the underworld. This place is so dark and gloomy he said with a frown on his face. I don’t get why Zeus got the sky and Poseidon got the Sea I’m older than them I should be the one in the sky said Pluto out of frustration. A few years pasted and Pluto is starting to get used to the gloomy world he rules. King Pluto was eating his lunch when he feels the ground shake. Huh? What’s going on why is it shaking asked Pluto. There is someone pulling a plant of yours out of the ground you Highness said Quicksilver. Someone stealing a flower well I must meet them and ask why Pluto replied. Quicksilver and King Pluto got into the carriage and started going towards the shaking. As they got closer and closer to the shaking a hole starts to grow in the roof of the underworld showing the sun and blue sky. Ugh its so bright how do people live like this Said king Pluto. Sir it was a little girl pulling at the flowers whispered Quicksilver. A little girl? Asked Pluto. As King Pluto gets out of the carriage he Ask the little girl over. One the girl came over to him he asked her a question. Little girl would you like to live with me? No I want to live with my mother the little girl replied. But I wish for you to live with me and Bright light into my castle he explained. Im sorry but I do not wish to live with you said the girl. King Pluto was not amused and took the girl anyway. Don’t worry I will not harm you I just wish for you to bring joy into my gloomy castle.


@Elsa213 Der im done i think e.e Can u check it


Quote their words, chica. e.e




OHHHHHH nvm ok give me a second


Example: `"Why do I get the underworld?" said Pluto. "because you lost replied Titans Cronus."


Add more detail aswell.


Narrative story based on "The Pomegranate Seeds." Title: King Pluto The New king of the Underworld This story is about King Pluto and how he became The king of the underworld. It all started one after noon, Pluto’s Father Titans Cronus had 2 other son’s Zeus and Poseidon. They Joined the Olympian gods to figure out which part of the world they could rule. In the end Zeus got the Sky, Poseidon got the Sea, and Pluto got the Underworld. “Why do I get the underworld” said Pluto, “because you lost” replied Titans Cronus. “You now have to live in the underworld for eternity Judging Death” said Titans Cronus. Pluto was then sent to the underworld. “This place is so dark and gloomy” he said with a frown on his face. “I don’t get why Zeus got the sky and Poseidon got the Sea I’m older than them I should be the one in the sky” said Pluto out of frustration. A few years pasted and Pluto is starting to get used to the gloomy world he rules. King Pluto was eating his lunch when he feels the ground shake. “Huh? What’s going on why is it shaking” asked Pluto. “There is someone pulling a plant of yours out of the ground you Highness” said Quicksilver. “Someone stealing a flower well I must meet them and ask why” Pluto replied. Quicksilver and King Pluto got into the carriage and started going towards the shaking. As they got closer and closer to the shaking a hole starts to grow in the roof of the underworld showing the sun and blue sky. “Ugh its so bright how do people live like this” Said king Pluto. “Sir it was a little girl pulling at the flowers” whispered Quicksilver. “A little girl?” Asked Pluto. As King Pluto gets out of the carriage he Ask the little girl over. One the girl came over to him he asked her a question. “Little girl would you like to live with me?” “No I want to live with my mother” the little girl replied. “But I wish for you to live with me and Bright light into my castle” he explained. “Im sorry but I do not wish to live with you” said the girl. King Pluto was not amused and took the girl anyway. “Don’t worry I will not harm you I just wish for you to bring joy into my gloomy castle.”


there i Quoted them


Add more detail how i thought i added enough


How much more detail would i have to add e.e


Mention how he was feeling lonely.


This story is about King Pluto and how he became The king of the underworld. It all started one after noon, Pluto’s Father Titans Cronus had 2 other son’s Zeus and Poseidon. They Joined the Olympian gods to figure out which part of the world they could rule. In the end Zeus got the Sky, Poseidon got the Sea, and Pluto got the Underworld. “Why do I get the underworld” said Pluto, “because you lost” replied Titans Cronus. “You now have to live in the underworld for eternity Judging Death” said Titans Cronus. Pluto was then sent to the underworld. “This place is so dark and gloomy” he said with a frown on his face. “I don’t get why Zeus got the sky and Poseidon got the Sea I’m older than them I should be the one in the sky” said Pluto out of frustration. A few years pasted and Pluto is starting to get used to the gloomy world he rules. King Pluto was eating his lunch and sighed. “What is wrong Your highness you usually eat everything on your plate” asked Quicksilver. “Its just so lonely in here the only person I talk to is you and its getting old no offence” said King Pluto. “What would you like in order to make you feel less lonely I can go find a Puppy soul that you could play with” said Quicksilver. When he says this he feels the ground shake. “Huh? What’s going on why is it shaking” asked Pluto. “There is someone pulling a plant of yours out of the ground you Highness” said Quicksilver. “Someone stealing a flower well I must meet them and ask why” Pluto replied. Quicksilver and King Pluto got into the carriage and started going towards the shaking. As they got closer and closer to the shaking a hole starts to grow in the roof of the underworld showing the sun and blue sky. “Ugh its so bright how do people live like this” Said king Pluto. “Sir it was a little girl pulling at the flowers” whispered Quicksilver. “A little girl? She would be a perfect addition to my castle she would spark joy in every room she would enter” said Pluto. As King Pluto gets out of the carriage he Ask the little girl over. One the girl came over to him he asked her a question. “Little girl would you like to live with me?” “No I want to live with my mother” the little girl replied. “But I wish for you to live with me and Bright light into my castle” he explained. “Im sorry but I do not wish to live with you” said the girl. King Pluto was not amused and took the girl anyway. “Don’t worry I will not harm you I just wish for you to bring joy into my gloomy castle.”


^how is dis e.e


Asdfghjkl `It's` = `It is` `Its` = `Not "it is". Just its`


Narrative story based on "The Pomegranate Seeds." Title: King Pluto The New king of the Underworld This story is about King Pluto and how he became The king of the underworld. It all started one after noon, Pluto’s Father Titans Cronus had 2 other son’s Zeus and Poseidon. They Joined the Olympian gods to figure out which part of the world they could rule. In the end Zeus got the Sky, Poseidon got the Sea, and Pluto got the Underworld. “Why do I get the underworld” said Pluto, “because you lost” replied Titans Cronus. “You now have to live in the underworld for eternity Judging Death” said Titans Cronus. Pluto was then sent to the underworld. “This place is so dark and gloomy” he said with a frown on his face. “I don’t get why Zeus got the sky and Poseidon got the Sea I’m older than them I should be the one in the sky” said Pluto out of frustration. A few years pasted and Pluto is starting to get used to the gloomy world he rules. King Pluto was eating his lunch and sighed. “What is wrong your highness you usually eat everything on your plate” asked Quicksilver. “It is so lonely in here the only person I talk to is you and its getting old no offence” said King Pluto. “What would you like in order to make you feel less lonely I can go find a Puppy soul that you could play with” said Quicksilver. When he says this he feels the ground shake. “Huh? What’s going on why is it shaking” asked Pluto. “There is someone pulling a plant of yours out of the ground you Highness” said Quicksilver. “Someone stealing a flower well I must meet them and ask why” Pluto replied. Quicksilver and King Pluto got into the carriage and started going towards the shaking. As they got closer and closer to the shaking a hole starts to grow in the roof of the underworld showing the sun and blue sky. “Ugh it is so bright how do people live like this” Said king Pluto. “Sir it was a little girl pulling at the flowers” whispered Quicksilver. “A little girl? She would be a perfect addition to my castle she would spark joy in every room she would enter” said Pluto. As King Pluto gets out of the carriage he Ask the little girl over. One the girl came over to him he asked her a question. “Little girl would you like to live with me?” “No I want to live with my mother” the little girl replied. “But I wish for you to live with me and Bright light into my castle” he explained. “I’m sorry but I do not wish to live with you” said the girl. King Pluto was not amused and took the girl anyway. “Don’t worry I will not harm you I just wish for you to bring joy into my gloomy castle.”


^better e.e


i fixed the its to it is


Ermehgawd Fix yewr punctuations. e.e


MY PUNCYIUBDIHVHIESVBKFOF *sigh* imma die before dis is done


i dont see were there is bad punctuation e.e


“What is wrong your highness you usually eat everything on your plate”


i got tons of periods so wat did i do wrong


mhm what about it e.e


“What is wrong your highness? You usually eat everything on your plate,” said QuickSilver.


Ok is that all you saw was wrong


That's as far as I read. e.e


This story is about King Pluto and how he became The king of the underworld. It all started one after noon, Pluto’s Father Titans Cronus had 2 other son’s Zeus and Poseidon. They Joined the Olympian gods to figure out which part of the world they could rule. In the end Zeus got the Sky, Poseidon got the Sea, and Pluto got the Underworld. “Why do I get the underworld” said Pluto, “because you lost” replied Titans Cronus. “You now have to live in the underworld for eternity Judging Death” said Titans Cronus. Pluto was then sent to the underworld. “This place is so dark and gloomy” he said with a frown on his face. “I don’t get why Zeus got the sky and Poseidon got the Sea I’m older than them I should be the one in the sky” said Pluto out of frustration. A few years pasted and Pluto is starting to get used to the gloomy world he rules. King Pluto was eating his lunch and sighed. “What is wrong your highness? you usually eat everything on your plate,” asked Quicksilver. “It is so lonely in here the only person I talk to is you and its getting old no offence” said King Pluto. “What would you like in order to make you feel less lonely? I can go find a Puppy soul that you could play with” said Quicksilver. When he says this he feels the ground shake. “Huh? What’s going on why is it shaking” asked Pluto. “There is someone pulling a plant of yours out of the ground you Highness” said Quicksilver. “Someone stealing a flower? Well I must meet them and ask why” Pluto replied. Quicksilver and King Pluto got into the carriage and started going towards the shaking. As they got closer and closer to the shaking a hole starts to grow in the roof of the underworld showing the sun and blue sky. “Ugh it is so bright how do people live like this” Said king Pluto. “Sir it was a little girl pulling at the flowers” whispered Quicksilver. “A little girl? She would be a perfect addition to my castle she would spark joy in every room she would enter” said Pluto. As King Pluto gets out of the carriage he Ask the little girl over. One the girl came over to him he asked her a question. “Little girl would you like to live with me?” “No I want to live with my mother” the little girl replied. “But I wish for you to live with me and Bright light into my castle” he explained. “I’m sorry but I do not wish to live with you” said the girl. King Pluto was not amused and took the girl anyway. “Don’t worry I will not harm you I just wish for you to bring joy into my gloomy castle.”


^last time BETTER? e.e


`When he says this he feels the ground shake. ` `Suddenly, an unexpected shake joined.`


How about All of a sudden the ground starts shaking.


Fien e.e


So am i done now e.e


`yours out of the ground you Highness` I dunno why I giggled at this. e.e Your highness*


wait what am i suppose to change there e.e


`YOU highness`.






Sure. e.e


1 attachment



I gtg see yew tomorrow


Bai bai <3 cx

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