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Mathematics 76 Online

Did we invent math or did we discover it?


math was both invented and discovered


It depends. Like 2+2, found it but like laws of physics stuff it was invented to a certian point. I hope this helped.


@kacchan wrote:
math was both invented and discovered
But how exactly? Why would they want something so hard?


@kacchan wrote:
math was both invented and discovered
It was like there, but we made the equations.


@urmum wrote:
It depends. Like 2+2, found it but like laws of physics stuff it was invented to a certian point. I hope this helped.
Who would invent something so unnecessary and hard?


@kamiequeen wrote:
@kacchan wrote:
math was both invented and discovered
But how exactly? Why would they want something so hard?
lol look on this,is%20both%20invented%20and%20discovered.


@urmum wrote:
@kacchan wrote:
math was both invented and discovered
It was like there, but we made the equations.
Why though?


@kamiequeen wrote:
@urmum wrote:
It depends. Like 2+2, found it but like laws of physics stuff it was invented to a certian point. I hope this helped.
Who would invent something so unnecessary and hard?
rich white men with no life


@urmum wrote:
@kamiequeen wrote:
@urmum wrote:
It depends. Like 2+2, found it but like laws of physics stuff it was invented to a certian point. I hope this helped.
Who would invent something so unnecessary and hard?
rich white men with no life


so it's a discovery. Showing it is true, however, requires the invention of a proof. And over the centuries, mathematicians have devised hundreds of different techniques capable of proving the theorem. In short, maths is both invented and discovered.


Okay, thank you guys!


Math is basically both, The person who invented it means they also discovered it.

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