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Writing 43 Online

//Decaying Winter\\ =[02]= The backstory is the same as "Decaying Winter" (The story that I use to post here) but the story line has completely changed, this is a whole new alternate timeline after all. Thank you @Extrinix for sharing his fonts! Link to Extrinix’s font post : -//You are now entering “Decaying Winter”\\- T̵̨̛̖͍̝͉͓̙͙̫̱̟̐͋͒̒͑͂̾̔̋̃̌͜͜͜͝i̵͔̳̰̰̥̗͓̟̻̘̝̮̘̞͖͆̿̓͂́̓͂́̇̓̆̎̚m̴̮̘͚̘̾̆̾̒̎́e̴̛̱̮̞͎̘̱̲̔̈́͗̒̽͌̀͛̑̂̀̒̕̚l̸̛̻͇̬͙̜͕̮̠͙̩͉̂̀̈́̊͛̒̈̐̅ͅĭ̴̧͙͉̝̬̤̙̦̻̘̜̭̭̘̦̈́͌̄͆̈́͋̿̓͐͌̆̕ņ̴̧̡̛̛̭̤̫̤͓̹̦̤͇̲̮̿̑̂͐͂̋̋̑̚̕͝͝e̶̹͇̥̙̪̓͒̌̌̄͛̒͌̍͌̔̅͘͠͝ͅ ̶̮̀̓͌̎͌̎͒̾͋́͠0̵̰͎̮̾͒̓̆2̷̛̐̆̆̓́̆͌̎̑͘̚͝ͅ


Decaying Winter -:timeline:- //[02]\\ The quiet rustling of falling leaves masked the complete silence of the park. Only that and the footsteps of Leah and Max were audible. The sun set on the two Agents as they strolled along the pathway. Leah looked out into the void. She seemed to lack her normal presence of mind, as if she was blind. Max peered over his shoulder to look closely at her. |–Dossier Info–| Name: Leah gyatmen Gender: Female Perk: None (At least not yet) Date of birth: April 19th Scars and marks: Fractures in the manubrium Complexion: Pale Voice: A typical women at her 20’s Occupation: AGENT, Account specialist Country of origin: United states Place of birth: Ohio, Columbus Remarks: Caring and always looking out for others, has never failed in teamwork based missions, calm, Loyal to the agency |–Dossier Info End–| |–Dossier Info–| [2] Name: Max willsmith Gender: Male Perk: None (At least not yet) Date of birth: August 21st Scars and marks: Burns on his left testical Complexion: Rose blige Voice: A typical male at his 20’s Occupation: AGENT Country of origin: Australia Place of birth: Tweed Heads, New South Wales Remarks: A fast runner, will accomplish any mission assigned to him no matter what happens, Loyal to the agency |–Dossier Info end–| "Are you okay?" Leah jumped a little upon hearing Max's voice. "Yeah, I'm fine." Leah responded, now looking at the dirt she was walking across. Max knew that something was off about Leah, something was bothering her. "You know I'm someone you can talk to." "Fine." Leah then made eye contact with Max, with a mildly worried expression on her face. "I'm... worried. We were all enlisted as Agents, and the four of us haven't been assigned a mission yet. I'm starting to worry that the fun times we have are about to end." "I-, don't think about it too hard, Leah. This is what we enlisted for, so at least be happy that we had those memories with the others. You're talking about Arthur and Carmen, correct?" "Yeah, those two were a bit hard to get a grasp on. They seemed a bit off. But at least we'll get to meet up with them tonight." The two continue their walk back to their apartment. The sun sets behind the horizon as the cold autumn air swept past their clothes. Leah shivered a little in her orange jumpsuit as Max rested his arm on her shoulders. The couple walked up the stairs leading to their room. Leah and Max arrived at their neatly arranged apartment. The lights shone a perfect white glow, illuminating the clean yet seemingly lived-in rooms. Leah turned to the heater and switched it on while Max walked to the kitchen to grab some drinks. "English Breakfast or Earl Grey?" Max asked in a loud voice from across the room. "Grey." Leah responded quickly. Max walked back to the coffee table, sat in the living room and gently laid down a cup of Earl Grey tea. "Enjoy, it'll help you calm down." "Thanks." Max walked back to the mini-fridge and pulled out a half bottle of vodka and an orange. He rested a liquor glass on the counter while he started to slice the oranges into wedges. “Are you sure they’re coming tonight?” Max pondered for a moment as he applied the salt rim to the edge of his glass. “Yes, probably.” The two sat down next to the coffee table, Max taking a sip from his Buttertail. Twilight fell upon the windows of the city as the pair awaited the others' arrival. Footsteps were heard outside the door of the apartment. The noise stopped right outside the door, and a person started to knock on the door. “Max? Leah? Is this even the right room?” A low raspy voice asked behind the door. “Arthur? Come in!” Max responded. A tall man with a cigarette in his mouth appeared in the doorway. He wore a black dark suit, and his face was cloaked behind a wide-brimmed black sun hat. |–Dossier Info–| [3] Name: Arthur goodman Gender: Male Perk: None (At least not yet) Date of birth: June 9th Scars and marks: Lungs decaying from smoking too much cigarettes, several cuts and stab marks on both of his arms Complexion: Honey Voice: A low raspy voice Occupation: AGENT, Quality control coordinator Country of origin: Brazil Place of birth: Tocantins, Gurupi Remarks: Achieved 100% accuracy in the agency’s aim test, Loyal to the agency |–Dossier Info End–| “Long time no see Max.” It’s great to see you Arthur.” Max walked up to Arthur and wrapped his arms around him. They patted each other on the backs and let go. "Drinks?" "Sure, thanks." Arthur responded. Max walked off to the mini fridge to grab beverages for the guests. "Carmen's here too, right?" Leah asked Arthur. "Of course she is." A short woman hid behind Arthur's tall stature. Her face was covered by neck-long black hair, and she was wearing a white lab coat. Carmen walked across the room and squatted next to the coffee table. "Hi Carmen, nice to see you." Leah told Carmen. She only gestured back with a wave before returning to silence. |–Dossier Info–| [4] Name: Carmen maybee Gender: Female Perk: None (At least not yet) Date of birth: December 31st Scars and marks: Always has a band aid on her left cheek Complexion: Pale Voice: high female voice Occupation: AGENT, Medical Researcher Country of origin: Antarctica Place of birth: Unknown lighthouse Remarks: Medical knowledge, Loyal to the agency |–Dossier Info End–| Leah walked away from the two and brought back a portable induction stove. She rested a pot of water and copious vegetables and meats. "Do you guys want soup?" Leah asked Arthur and Carmen. "Yes, thank you." Arthur responded. Carmen nodded at Leah's question. The watch on Max's left arm started to glow. "ORDER, ARE YOU THERE?" a robotic voice emitted from the device. "Yes." Max responded. "INFORM YOUR TEAM REGARDING A MISSION. PLEASE USE THE AGENCY RADIO." Max walked back to the group with a soda and a beer in hand. He put them on the table and turned on the TV. "A movie?" Leah asked. "No, it's something else." Max responded The channel was set to the Agency's frequency, as a voice was played through the speakers. "TABS, KINDLE, ORDER, DEFT. YOU ARE ALL HERE, CORRECT?" "Yes." Three responded, and Carmen nodded in agreement. "YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED A MISSION ON THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, NICKNAMED EDEN-227. YOU ALL WILL BE DEPLOYED THERE DURING THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. DELAY THE ATTACK OF THE SCAVENGERS ON OUR DATABASE." Max and Arthur laughed and cheered, "Hooray for a mission!", while they started to drink and joke with each other. The other two sat in silence, it was befitting for one of them, the other not so much. Leah was a very warm and caring person, not one to sit in her own thoughts. "I think the soup's ready." Leah said to break her silence. She starts ladling out bowls for herself and the other three, her hand shaking slightly with each scoop. Carmen shuffles over to Leah and whispers quietly, "Troubled?" Leah serves a bowl of soup to Carmen and nods. They sit down on the couch, Leah shaking with fear and sadness. Carmen rests calmly and eats spoons of soup. Leah shivers and whispers back to Carmen. "We could all die... I'm scared of that." She acknowledges Leah's worry and leans onto her. "Eat." Carmen whispers while gesturing the motion. Leah picks up her bowl of soup, her mind clouded by the thought of imminent doom. The evening went by quickly, with the Agents passed out from alcohol intoxication. Everyone but Leah was fast asleep in the living room. She looked closely at the mantle of the induction stove before turning it off. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke filled the air. Leah looked at Arthur and took the burning cigarette out of his mouth. "Sorry..." was heard faintly from Arthur's mouth before he fell unconscious again. Leah extinguished the cigarette and lied down on the bed next to Max. Her thoughts spun around in her head, her consciousness slowly drifting past the walls of the room and into the void . Leah fell asleep, but not soundly in the slightest. Beams of sunlight shimmered through the veil of the curtains. Not a single one of the other Agents had yet to wake up. It was a Sunday, you'd normally sleep in a while before eating breakfast. Only Leah was left, still and awake on her part of the couch. She could barely sleep during the long night. She limped off the couch and directly into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Her shuffling and bumping into things started to wake up the other Agents. Both Max and Arthur woke up tired from last night. "You guys want coffee too?” "Mhm." It was only the quiet Carmen who remained asleep. “Did you…sleep at all?” Max asked. “Yeah, but barely any. I couldn’t clear my mind to rest” Arthur walked behind Leah, who was brewing coffee. He patted her on the shoulder and said, “That was some great soup, thanks.” The comment felt oddly sincere coming from him, but it was probably from the sleep inertia. “Here’s your coffee. Drink well.” Arthur grabs three cups of coffee and brings them to the coffee table in the middle. One next to Max and another next to Carmen's head. Carmen was still asleep on the table, kneeling next to it. Arthur blows the top of his cup and takes a small sip from the piping hot beverage. "Leah, are you sure you're okay? I mea-" Leah starts chugging the entire mug of scalding coffee without a flinch. “...What the fu-” “Oh, I was a bit impatient. I forgot that you people usually wait for your drinks to cool down.” Leah says, making it unable to hear the last two letters of what Arthur was gonna say. The ECHO wristwatch on Leah's arm started to glow and turn on. "KINDLE, THIS IS YOUR ECHO IF I RECALL?", the glowing yellow wristwatch asked. "Yeah, I was drinking coffee." "PERFECT, INFORM YOUR TEAM THAT YOU WILL BE LEAVING IN A WEEK. START TO MAKE YOUR FINAL PREPARATIONS." The yellow screen turned off. Max and Arthur overheard the conversation with the Agency. "One week? That isn't a lot of time." Max commented across the room. The watch screen turned back on. "ALSO MEET AT THE AGENCY TO TEST YOUR EQUIPMENT. WE'LL BE EXPECTING YOU." "Well we should get going. They're expecting us, aren't they?" Leah asked the group. "Sure, let's go." Max responds. Arthur looks over at Carmen to see if she's awake yet. She hasn't moved an inch since she was last seen, but the cup of coffee resting beside her is almost empty. "You're awake, aren't you Carmen?" She smiles and nods lightly. "Eat first, then go." She says lightly. "Also, Max, Leah, sorry for sleeping over today. I hope we didn't trouble you." "It was no problem Arthur, thanks for coming over." Max responds. He gets up from the couch and goes into the bathroom. "Get ready, we'll take turns in the bathroom. You okay with going third?" "Sure. You okay with last, Carmen?" Carmen raises her arm up slightly and gives a thumbs up to the group. A little while later, they head to the local café for some breakfast. The sun shines through the slightly cloudy sky as it illuminates the tops of the shaded tables. The four Agents sit down in chairs around a table and wait for their turn. One of the waiters comes up to the group and asks for their order. "Good morning, I'm Stephen, may I take your order?" He asks politely while glancing at the peculiar yellow watches on the group's arms. "Those watches look quite nice, but they don't seem to tell the time. What are they for?" Stephen continues. "Oh, it's for work." Arthur responds. "I'll have a tuna sandwich I guess, do you want a Cuban sandwich, Max?" "Sure." "Alright, and I'll have a classic American Breakfast, and what about you, Carmen?" Carmen points towards the pancakes in the breakfast section. "Alright, so your order is a tuna sandwich, a Cuban sandwich, a Classic American Breakfast, and breakfast pancakes?" Stephen confirms. "Yeah, that's all. Thanks." Arthur responds. Stephen quickly jots something down on his clipboard and leaves to the inside of the restaurant. The crew sits and waits for a few minutes while the food is being prepared. All of them sit normally, except for Carmen, who is leaning forward and has her arms outstretched on the table similar to a child. The food was served a few minutes later, once again by Stephen. He sets down the plates of food in a professional manner onto the table. Carmen gets up and starts to eat her pancakes quickly. "Thanks for the food again, Stephen." Max says. "It was no problem. We hope to see you again soon." Stephen responds, before returning to receive the order of another guest. All the Agents finish their breakfast and pay for the food. Arthur leaves a note and a twenty dollar tip. "He seemed like a nice guy." Arthur commented before leaving. The group continued their walk to the Agency building. The crew arrives at the Agency base. It only took a single glance of the woman at the front desk to see their ECHO devices. "Agents are here." She spoke into her headset. The elevator going down into the training grounds played a calm jazz theme. The yellow glow on the watches grew brighter. "AGENTS, YOU ARE AT THE BASE, CORRECT?" The voice asked through the microphone. "Hey, doesn't that voice sound a little familiar now?" Max whispered to Leah. "Probably nothing." Leah responds. The Quartermaster greeted the group when the elevator doors opened. "Good morning, team~." |–Dossier Info–| [5] Name: Quartermaster (Unable to share her real name, due to having to remain anonymous) Gender: Female Perk: Prophet Date of birth: Jan 15th Scars and marks: A scar on her right palm Complexion: Pale Voice: Mommy voice (The best I could describe her voice) Occupation: AGENT, Biostatistician, Drafter, Quartermaster, Recruiter, Attorney Country of origin: United States Place of birth: Detroit, Michigan Remarks: Served for the agency for 9 years, Trusted by the agency, pledged several times gaining the “Quartermaster” rank, Successful takedowns of REIKGON shadows, Loyal to the agency |–Dossier Info End–| "Wait, are you going to be teaching us, Quartermaster?" Max asked politely. "Pffft, in your dreams. Your mentor for the week is coming down the next elevator cycle. Wait for them right here." The Quartermaster then walked away from the group to continue her tasks. “Man she’s thic-” “I wonder who our mentor’s gonna be.” Arthur tells the team, cutting off what Max was gonna say. The elevator reached the bottom floor, and the doors slowly opened. “Hey guys thanks for the tip.” The group went silent seeing Stephen’s face appear from the elevator. -To be continued-


"To be continued" is not a closing text, I will actually continue this story.


It is a good story


great job!


w story


Yippity tap session here

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