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Does anyone know how to fix a nintendo switch joycon? I have a pic of what the joycon looks like that I'll put in the comments, and I have the rail off the switch and still have it


What is the issue to it?


I'm trying to add my pic


Alright - sorry


I cannot nessicarily see the problem can you describe it?


U see the red one and what it looks like?


So the black piece fell off?


Broke off


Broke off? - okay I don't think there is a way to fix that personally I think you may need to take it to a professional to fix it right. (Not saying you couldn't) by the looks of it, it seems to be still on the switch... so maybe slide that off and see if it can snap on if not I may be no help.


I already have the rail off and in a bag with the rest of the joycon


Did you try and piece it back on?


Try and piece what back on?


The black piece that fell off?


No, but my dad was doing something with it, idk what


One second!


yea what's wrong with it


@luldam2007 wrote:
yea what's wrong with it
Use the link:


I'm on it


actually just get a new joycon


Yeah, there is no way to fix that - once it broke off its broken - Like @luldam2007 said you may need to buy a new one.


@aubree wrote:
Broke off
So I am sorry if this isnt helpful but most common issues I found were controller drift... I couldnt find anything about that - Have a good day~


It's fine

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