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History 92 Online

Why did Japan invade China? They wanted to spread communism all across Asia Manchuria was rich in iron and coal They were angry that they weren't allowed to join the League after WWI They wanted the Opium from China


also japan was looking for raw materials to fuel its growing industries. The reason why is because there was a time period where japan was a isolated country. Therefore due to them being a isolated country once they realized that they were lacking in militarism and industrially, They decided to adapt and improve. Therefore around the 1900s Do pains military and armed forces as well As industrial cities were the number 1 best. Therefore, the only thing they lacked in was in Raw material. Therefore japan invaded china to take their military forces as well as raw materials which was In province of Manchuria in 1931.


Also japan was getting Crackery because they had already colonized many other countries and thought they couldn't colonize china because china was falling into Ruins. The reason why China was falling into ruins.Because for the longest They refused to accept knowledge and materials from the outside and stayed in their insideways. Meaning they would trade with other countries.They would give what they had, but they refused to accept what other countries had.Therefore when it came time for world war one they were not Prepared. Not only did they lack in military they also lacked in shipping And other resources , therefore , it was easy to attack China. And since japan had already won many battles they decided to try to conquer china as well and take their resources


Also, when pretending to the opium, if I'm correct.Great britain was the one who imported opium to china in order to get the citizens Addicted. The reason why is because china refused to accept their goods but would trade with them and because of that britain was mad. Therefore they decided to get the citizens hooked on opium and addicted to increase trade as well


Because there was a time period when China didn't trade with anyone and so that's when they decided to get the citizens addicted to opium in order to increase trade. But they're when the government found that out. Things did not go well


Ty for this walk through of why Japan invaded china 🙏


@Subbshilava npp

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