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Mathematics 44 Online

The rectangular prism below has a volume of 408 cubic inch what is the height of the prism..?








@justftmail wrote:
I can't help rn




@midnight97 wrote:
@justftmail wrote:
I can't help rn
can you @ someone who can




The rectangular prism below has a volume of 408 cubic inch what is the height of the prism..?




Can you please provide me with one more measurement of the prism so that I can solve the problem?


the rectanle is 3.4in on the side


bottom is 8in


To find the height of the rectangular prism, we can use the formula: volume = length x width x height We are given the volume of the prism as 408 cubic inches, the width as 3.4 inches, and the length as 8 inches. Let's substitute these values into the formula and solve for the height: 408 = 8 x 3.4 x height 408 = 27.2 x height height = 408/27.2 height = 15 Therefore, the height of the rectangular prism is 15 inches.

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