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Mathematics 74 Online

Sets A and B are shown in the Venn Diagram. A Venn Diagram is titled Universal Set with the rectangle labeled U and the left circle labeled A and the right circle labeled B. The two circles overlap, and the overlap includes the elements t and v and x. The A circle outside the overlap contains the elements n and w, and the B circle outside the overlap contains the elements p and s and y and z. The element r lies outside both circles. Which elements are included in both Sets A and B? {n, p, s, t, v, w, x, y, z} {n, p, s, w, y, z} {r} {t, v, x}


Okay now since this one asks what's in both sets I believe its D


also the diagram

1 attachment

The elements included in both Sets A and B are {t, v, x}.


thank you


@urlocalgay wrote:
thank you

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