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History 56 Online

Which event marked the beginning of the Cold War era? Signing of the Treaty of Versailles Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagsaki Formation of NATO Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe


The frozen one


Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe is the correct answer


Although it occured 3 years after 1945, the Berlin Blockade and the subsequent airlift to relieve its beleaguered citizens was the one of the first events in the Cold War that garnered widespread public attention.


@hotpockets14 wrote:
Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe is the correct answer
Ty hotpockets 😊


@subshilava wrote:
@hotpockets14 wrote:
Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe is the correct answer
Ty hotpockets 😊
np, u ever need help again, just DM me I'll help


Soviet occupation began it.

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