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Politics 42 Online

Trump or Biden


Biden personally neither of them are fit to run our country, but Trump is so absurdly corrupt, and for my family, if Trump got back in the White House, we would be homeless. Biden has done much more to actually solve problems. people blame some inflation on Biden, when it was literally Trump, and he passed the mess on to Biden. I won't yap about it too much but Biden fs


Trump. Bidens literally done nothing. We're wayyyy worse off now then when trump was president. Istg if biden got re elected, we'd get bombed or smth.


@dallasw420 wrote:
Trump. Bidens literally done nothing. We're wayyyy worse off now then when trump was president. Istg if biden got re elected, we'd get bombed or smth.
Biden dropped out.


whats the point of this question? i mean sure ig seeing what people think is cool or wtv but i dont think this is a good question to ask - especially since this is a homework site ngl lmao. but anyway yeah. also, it's trump or kamala, not trump or biden. biden dropped out.


@lilmunchin wrote:
@dallasw420 wrote:
Trump. Bidens literally done nothing. We're wayyyy worse off now then when trump was president. Istg if biden got re elected, we'd get bombed or smth.
Biden dropped out.
Thank god.


Most people here are too young to understand politics or political figures in general. People wanna cheer for a side but frankly, most of them have no idea what theyre cheering for.


@dallasw420 wrote:
@lilmunchin wrote:
@dallasw420 wrote:
Trump. Bidens literally done nothing. We're wayyyy worse off now then when trump was president. Istg if biden got re elected, we'd get bombed or smth.
Biden dropped out.
Thank god.
damn delulu much


@yeerusxd wrote:
Most people here are too young to understand politics or political figures in general. People wanna cheer for a side but frankly, most of them have no idea what theyre cheering for.
that's true but some people actually know what's going on.


They know what they want to know


@somnium wrote:
@dallasw420 wrote:
@lilmunchin wrote:
@dallasw420 wrote:
Trump. Bidens literally done nothing. We're wayyyy worse off now then when trump was president. Istg if biden got re elected, we'd get bombed or smth.
Biden dropped out.
Thank god.
damn delulu much
Hell nah.


@doom2284 wrote:
whats the point of this question? i mean sure ig seeing what people think is cool or wtv but i dont think this is a good question to ask - especially since this is a homework site ngl lmao. but anyway yeah. also, it's trump or kamala, not trump or biden. biden dropped out.
idk it's like half the new users ask this 🌜


@yeerusxd wrote:
Most people here are too young to understand politics or political figures in general. People wanna cheer for a side but frankly, most of them have no idea what theyre cheering for.
this is so real lol


People see what they want to see. Both sides conveniently ignore points and facts brought up by the other consistently. A lot of people dont understand who actually does what. People are quick to blame biden for something trump did in office, and people are quick to scrutinize trump every second.


People are biased towards their chosen "side" instead of trying to work together to make the country better.


Its not even just on here. There are many black, hispanic, asian, gay, lgbtq, immigrants who support trump. Those people supporting him conveniently ignore the fact he hates them


Donald J trump


@yeerusxd wrote:
Its not even just on here. There are many black, hispanic, asian, gay, lgbtq, immigrants who support trump. Those people supporting him conveniently ignore the fact he hates them
literally that's the best way I've seen anyone describe it




And no, I'm not choosing trump because he survived a shot. I'm looking at them both fairly, and in my opinion, I'd rather choose trump.


Id say neither. Both are pretty horrid options to run a country. Biden is senile and tries to help other countries too much while were struggling to stay afloat as a nation as it is, and while he helped gas prices a bit and he helped inflation go down a bit, he didnt undo enough of trumps damage. Trump is a ruthless conman who wanted to run the country for solely his own benefit, and he treated america like a poor business. He even treats his family like dirt, he's only in it for himself.


He's selfish and egotistical. He's not the kind of person who you want running a country.


Well they all business men in reality just trump is more willing to be old fashion and not civil I don't stand for any of them but if I had to choose to serve it would be trump


@yeerusxd wrote:
Id say neither. Both are pretty horrid options to run a country. Biden is senile and tries to help other countries too much while were struggling to stay afloat as a nation as it is, and while he helped gas prices a bit and he helped inflation go down a bit, he didnt undo enough of trumps damage. Trump is a ruthless conman who wanted to run the country for solely his own benefit, and he treated america like a poor business. He even treats his family like dirt, he's only in it for himself.
Very true


Old fashioned isnt necessarily good. The problem with the age limit for presidency is you get a bunch of boomers who are stuck in the past. Thats the problem were having in our congress as well. Too many oldheads. We cant keep thinking as if we live 30, 40, 50 years back. We live in the here and now. Things have changed and continue to do so


@yeerusxd wrote:
Old fashioned isnt necessarily good. The problem with the age limit for presidency is you get a bunch of boomers who are stuck in the past. Thats the problem were having in our congress as well. Too many oldheads. We cant keep thinking as if we live 30, 40, 50 years back. We live in the here and now. Things have changed and continue to do so
True but interestingly this world has been based on lies look at every war we been too we are all curious but if we find ourselves in the hands of God we will understand life and maybe either one of us will become the president only if you let urself go and change for better and for worse


@lilmunchin do you see what you did 💀


Well that brings up the other issue. Not just any normal person can actually get elected. You need an insane amount of money and time. You need a clean past or you wont make it out of the 1st quarter. You need connections in high places, and most importantly you have to be either republican or democratic.


The 3rd party never gets elected


@somnium wrote:
@lilmunchin do you see what you did 💀
They didn't do nun 0_0 I'm a freakin Mexican but I don't support lgbqt or wtv it's just ur point of view now if u wanna change the hearts and the minds of people then become president


@yeerusxd wrote:
The 3rd party never gets elected


Are you by chance, an immigrant?


No lol I'm born in Texas and proudly a u.s army national guard men


What about your parents


@tinydinouwu wrote:
@somnium wrote:
@lilmunchin do you see what you did 💀
They didn't do nun 0_0 I'm a freakin Mexican but I don't support lgbqt or wtv it's just ur point of view now if u wanna change the hearts and the minds of people then become president
what I meant was what they did by posting he question, it's always a debate


@somnium wrote:
@tinydinouwu wrote:
@somnium wrote:
@lilmunchin do you see what you did 💀
They didn't do nun 0_0 I'm a freakin Mexican but I don't support lgbqt or wtv it's just ur point of view now if u wanna change the hearts and the minds of people then become president
what I meant was what they did by posting he question, it's always a debate


So why do you support someone who would have you beaten or jailed or even killed for looking at his wife the wrong way


If trump gets elected 2024 chances are youre going to get sent to an internment camp


Because life is life why do north Koreans come to seek help from u.s when we do the same thing to them


Because they're running from their tyranical country and need help?


Trump hates them too


If youre not white, straight and born in the US, trump is against you.


He doesnt even know you and he hates you


Well listen idk I just let God help me and seek his hand and love


@yeerusxd wrote:
If youre not white, straight and born in the US, trump is against you.
Stop yapping my guy, you know that's not true.


@tinydinouwu wrote:
Well listen idk I just let God help me and seek his hand and love
May god help your soul then


Trump I get money


Same Jason XD


Aye big fat bonus for being infantry


Trump, cuz Biden dropped putz plus It is sickening to see people want a dementia patient running our country


@tinydinouwu wrote:
Aye big fat bonus for being infantry
Yknow thats pretty interesting with you being a member of the armed forces. Do you know what trump thinks about fallen soldiers? He calls them "losers and suckers." He doesnt respect you


@yeerusxd wrote:
@tinydinouwu wrote:
Aye big fat bonus for being infantry
Yknow thats pretty interesting with you being a member of the armed forces. Do you know what trump thinks about fallen soldiers? He calls them "losers and suckers." He doesnt respect you
Well I can say that about every body else because they think we are bad but I'm here to change the hearts and the minds of people


At the end of the day you get paid though right? Thats what matters? F you, i got mine amirote


You cant just vote for yourself and the present. You have a future and a society to think about too


@yeerusxd wrote:
At the end of the day you get paid though right? Thats what matters? F you, i got mine amirote
Wrong u know what I think about money it's nothing uk what I do every day to feed my family because my dad is out of the picture and I got a baby sis and my mom don't work that's me fighting for hope the work force don't care about u nor do ur teachers u have to show everyone ur gonna be someone


I'm not trying to argue but I am I good person


You follow god, and he took you to trump.. a man who knows nothing of the bible or its teachings. You want the money that trump paid you meanwhile he hasnt been in office for almost 4 years. Im not saying youre a bad person i just personally think youre thinking backwards


But don't come at me like I am a bad person I've done unspeakable things but still prevail


I didn't say I vote for trump


I said I rather pick him over someone that wants us to die


Thank you goodnight


The person youre referencing happens to be the person who wants us to die


Btw yeerus I was agreeing with a lot u say but u come after me like I'm wrong it's not about who wrong it's about what we are doing for ourselves and family to survive


I think youre wrong in some respects and thats ok


@yeerusxd wrote:
I think youre wrong in some respects and thats ok
Yes it's ok to be wrong because we are human


Now I don't know u but I respect ur point of view and I agree with u


Trump Biden is moron messed up person


😁 beyonce


Honestly both are terrible, but let’s keep in mind that if Trump gets in office the only people benefiting are straight white men. And Biden dropped out, so really it’s either Kamala or Trump. I don’t want my rights taken from me so I prefer for Kamala to get in office, I’d rather choose the lesser evil here.


@jojospamzz wrote:
😁 beyonce
so real đŸ€©




@sailor wrote:
Honestly both are terrible, but let’s keep in mind that if Trump gets in office the only people benefiting are straight white men. And Biden dropped out, so really it’s either Kamala or Trump. I don’t want my rights taken from me so I prefer for Kamala to get in office, I’d rather choose the lesser evil here.
its like trump wants immigrant ppl out of here while biden is helping other countries then ours.. but i agree


Trump 100% Joe and the hoe have got to go. Biden belongs in a dementia facility and his pup rat Can follow behind him and tell him what to say #FJB #MAGA2024


kamala harris <3


trump 2024!!!


none. For two reason, I'm not old enough to vote yet and it's stupid that it's either a psycho or a person who doesn't remember Pickle.


Trump made the world better


@jayisbetterfrfr wrote:
Trump made the world better


@hannahj wrote:
Trump 100% Joe and the hoe have got to go. Biden belongs in a dementia facility and his pup rat Can follow behind him and tell him what to say #FJB #MAGA2024


Trump got things done whilst biden doesnt understand half the things he says; however they both have their cons. Trump needs to stay off twitter and biden needs to die already with his fossil,ugly,forgetful self. So trump i guess


@lavibe wrote:
Trump got things done whilst biden doesnt understand half the things he says; however they both have their cons. Trump needs to stay off twitter and biden needs to die already with his fossil,ugly,forgetful self. So trump i guess
Trumps only 3 years younger than Biden, so either way they could both die :/


@sailor wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Trump got things done whilst biden doesnt understand half the things he says; however they both have their cons. Trump needs to stay off twitter and biden needs to die already with his fossil,ugly,forgetful self. So trump i guess
Trumps only 3 years younger than Biden, so either way they could both die :/
Trump carries himself way better, and doesnt forget what he sayin mid-speech. If he dies; i hope he becomes patient zero to the apocalypse. That’s a hell of a way to go out😍


@lavibe wrote:
@sailor wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Trump got things done whilst biden doesnt understand half the things he says; however they both have their cons. Trump needs to stay off twitter and biden needs to die already with his fossil,ugly,forgetful self. So trump i guess
Trumps only 3 years younger than Biden, so either way they could both die :/
Trump carries himself way better, and doesnt forget what he sayin mid-speech. If he dies; i hope he becomes patient zero to the apocalypse. That’s a hell of a way to go out😍
I’d rather deal with someone who forgets what to say midspeech than have a literal felon in office who will take away my rights on day one.


But thats just me though, I like my freedom and I dont want it stripped away from me because Im not a straight white male. you do you tho


Oh damn, you must not have to pay much of anything do you? Ever since biden has been in office; the economy has gone down as the prices have started to rise.


Trump 100% lots of reasonss....


Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)


Please none of you comment on here if one you don’t know anything about politics and two if your scared to get your feelings hurt. Thank you.


@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.


@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Wow, I'm impressed I didn't think you were that dumb but I was wrong. Poor Lui you're so brainwashed ):


@hannahj wrote:
@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Wow, I'm impressed I didn't think you were that dumb but I was wrong. Poor Lui you're so brainwashed ):
what makes him brainwashed? he js stated facts 😭 .


@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Nice to see a little amb alt trying to put his two sense in😂 I never said trump was a great person. He’s made tons of mistakes which no regular could have gotten away with; however he did manage to run america while being president the way it should have been ran. America is a business. Trump is a businessman. The question asks “trump or biden”. Trump was my answer. If neither was a given option, I would have chose that. Go sulk behind that screen some more, because quite frankly
 I couldn’t care less.


@lavibe wrote:
@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Nice to see a little amb alt trying to put his two sense in😂 I never said trump was a great person. He’s made tons of mistakes which no regular could have gotten away with; however he did manage to run america while being president the way it should have been ran. America is a business. Trump is a businessman. The question asks “trump or biden”. Trump was my answer. If neither was a given option, I would have chose that. Go sulk behind that screen some more, because quite frankly
 I couldn’t care less.


Whether you support trump or biden wouldnt matter. Biden dropped out. No one is,going to vote in a woman. Meaning trump has a high chance of winning.


@hannahj wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Nice to see a little amb alt trying to put his two sense in😂 I never said trump was a great person. He’s made tons of mistakes which no regular could have gotten away with; however he did manage to run america while being president the way it should have been ran. America is a business. Trump is a businessman. The question asks “trump or biden”. Trump was my answer. If neither was a given option, I would have chose that. Go sulk behind that screen some more, because quite frankly
 I couldn’t care less.
dont meat ride, hannah.


@euphoriiic wrote:
@hannahj wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Nice to see a little amb alt trying to put his two sense in😂 I never said trump was a great person. He’s made tons of mistakes which no regular could have gotten away with; however he did manage to run america while being president the way it should have been ran. America is a business. Trump is a businessman. The question asks “trump or biden”. Trump was my answer. If neither was a given option, I would have chose that. Go sulk behind that screen some more, because quite frankly
 I couldn’t care less.
dont meat ride, hannah.
“What makes him brainwashed? He js stating facts” but hannahs meat riding? You’re an idiot smh..


Biden dropped of so its Harris and Trump, and I want trump to win


@lavibe wrote:
@euphoriiic wrote:
@hannahj wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
@lui0210 wrote:
@lavibe wrote:
Next time before countering my judgement, maybe research a bit more. So you actually understand what you’re saying, and how stupid it looks:)
Funny you say that. Maybe you should do research on how economics works as well. The impacts of legislation and whatever bills are passed are not felt immediately. It takes years for the impact to be observed. i.e., the economical state of things could be a result of legislation passed years ago (by Trump). Like his "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" of 2017 which basically did nothing but cut taxes for cooperations. And many other things, not just his tax cut. The "great economy" people are talking was inherited from Obama's time as president. Because as stated, whatever legislation/bills were passed required time in order for them to have an impact. So this current economy is the impact from previous years. But people also seem to forget that the president does not solely control the prices of things. What about the cooperations? The ones actually raising prices because they want more profit? Or the people in congress/senate who never pass anything because it doesn't suit their political party's interest? Or even the greedy banks? So this is isn't the fault of a sole entity, but rather the complex dynamics of multiple entities.
Nice to see a little amb alt trying to put his two sense in😂 I never said trump was a great person. He’s made tons of mistakes which no regular could have gotten away with; however he did manage to run america while being president the way it should have been ran. America is a business. Trump is a businessman. The question asks “trump or biden”. Trump was my answer. If neither was a given option, I would have chose that. Go sulk behind that screen some more, because quite frankly
 I couldn’t care less.
dont meat ride, hannah.
“What makes him brainwashed? He js stating facts” but hannahs meat riding? You’re an idiot smh..
when was a talking to you? and he was stating facts. dont get so heated over a qc question u actual loser 😂.


Tbh bro, The economy was way better when Trump was president bruh.

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