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Social Studies 44 Online

Why was the 3rd estate taxed the most if they were poor during the French revolution


The Third Estate in pre-revolutionary France was taxed the most because the system of the time largely exempted the nobility (Second Estate) and clergy (First Estate) from paying significant taxes, leaving the burden of taxation to fall almost entirely on the Third Estate, which included the majority of the population, including poor peasants and working-class citizens, despite their lower income levels.


does that help bro


Yeah thanks man !


The Third Estate got taxed the most during the French Revolution because they had to pay the majority of the taxes while the nobility and clergy didn't have to pay much.


@toga wrote:
The Third Estate got taxed the most during the French Revolution because they had to pay the majority of the taxes while the nobility and clergy didn't have to pay much.
But they were dirt poor and could not afford food


@gingy57016 wrote:
@toga wrote:
The Third Estate got taxed the most during the French Revolution because they had to pay the majority of the taxes while the nobility and clergy didn't have to pay much.
But they were dirt poor and could not afford food
I know it was wrong, but history is not always fair because it's real life and it happened.

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