Why does everybody care about the rape of females, but not give a damn about male rape victims. It's really messed up if you think about it don't you think?
To be very honest, I think people give more of a fk abt girls being r@ped than boys because boys cant get pregnant and girls can. But my opinion is all r@pe (Both boys and girls included) Should be handled the same way. Because everyone is human, and no one should go through that.
The problem is men have no useful advocates. Christian Winter’s answer is a perfect demonstration of this phenomena. Take any issue that causes immense, and serious anguish to men and you will find an army of people ready to use it as an occasion to preach about how bad things are for women, and how we should all be helping women. The only people who have a voice on the subject of rape are feminists, and they don’t care about men, nor will they permit men to be their own advocates save through feminism, which doesn’t care about men. It’s something of catch
that’s insane yk lwk it’s way too controversial
That... Is a great question. I never thought about that. This changes alot.
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