any advice on starting a youtube channel and vlogging?
whats that?
start with a lot of videos constantly and whats trending
Make valuable content, make sure to post consistently, try to keep it family friendly when you can too.
i started mines. if u really want to be committed to youtube then u need to first make an upload schedule. the days u wanna upload and the days u dont wanna upload. and your going to need alot of things that u can already guess. Not to mention you need an editing software and a bunch of other things. Also u can search on youtube aswell. I didnt give much cuz im still starting out with 25 subs. i havent uploaded in a while cuz im in a predicament as of rn. But search on youtube! hope this helps
This isn't helpful, but make an account first.
Maybe follow the trends, Be Family friendly because ppl like it, but also try out new things, and maybe try stuff dangerous but no too dangerous because it catches ppl attention (I know I do), maybe also Pranks and ts you know?.
get good
be a chill guy
honestly bro u just need to be entertaining, have good edited videos, and do things ppl enjoy watching, like videos games and stuff. and honestly at first u will fail a lot but soon youll get there
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