Do you support lgbtq? if not, why? i mean why judge others even if you don't know them. just because they like some1 the same gender, or bc they switched genders? i mean some are stupid like polly and ze/zem stuff. so tell me.n
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This is gonna cause some drama
Lemme get the main ones that be complaining abt this tho
i just want opinions, i dont want judgement .
@twaylor @carlosbigbain
You wont get judgment dw
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I support because woman are awesome and so are men and if you love someone who ise else to stop you. also who are you affecting by liking someone of the same gender
@sarahwells wrote:
I support because woman are awesome and so are men and if you love someone who ise else to stop you. also who are you affecting by liking someone of the same gender
valid. I agree because these people that are being judged , you don't even know, and it's for stupid reasons. we're humans, and a weird system was made. That's all I'm saying. we weren't "made" to like one type of person. And we can change.
i support to an certain extent,mainly cause yall do too much adding too many genders,like yes i understand but,cant we jsut keep it lesbains,gays,straights,and trans ppl,nah yall gotta add on to the other ones and add 300 more,like chill,respectfully
I dont support at all.
me either
that dosn't mean i hate them my thoughts is do what you do but never ever push it on someone else or make society accept you
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@carlosbigbain wrote:
me either
that dosn't mean i hate them my thoughts is do what you do but never ever push it on someone else or make society accept you
I mean yeah don't push it on people. But you should feel comfortable with everybody knowing.
I mean it's there business and they do want they want with their life. Why intervene ?? Why mess up what they want done in their life ? It's really not nobody's business but theirs tbh. I'll call you whatever you want to b called because that's respectful. But other than that, it's not really your say to tell people how they should feel comfortable in their own life and body.
@theydontknowally wrote:
I mean it's there business and they do want they want with their life. Why intervene ?? Why mess up what they want done in their life ? It's really not nobody's business but theirs tbh. I'll call you whatever you want to b called because that's respectful. But other than that, it's not really your say to tell people how they should feel comfortable in their own life and body.
II completly agree
Its complicated I'd get banned if I answered
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this isn’t a question. This is question cove. REPORTED
@carlosbigbain wrote:
me either
that dosn't mean i hate them my thoughts is do what you do but never ever push it on someone else or make society accept you
Thing is we don't force anyone to accept us, we wouldn't have to beg for acceptance and use our voices to be heard if people just let us exist in peace instead of attacking our rights every 10 years.
It's easy for people to say "Oh your rights aren't affected" and "Stop pushing your agenda on us!" as if certain types of Christians don't do the same thing (those types in fact do. Now disclaimer, this is not hate towards Christians. I am friends with Christians that accept who I am, but it is very few.)
Point is we wouldn't NEED to push ANY agenda if we are just simply accepted as a part of society. That doesnt mean pretending to like us.
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we've lowkey seen enough of these "why hate lgbtq people" type question.
Here's my answer! I don't hate them just because they like the same gender or whatever, it's just (not all but) most of the people in the community are kind of... Annoying?
I mean, anyone can be annoying. But how are they annoying? (this is a general question i am not trying to attack you i apologize if it seems that way.)
@sailor wrote:
It's easy for people to say "Oh your rights aren't affected" and "Stop pushing your agenda on us!" as if certain types of Christians don't do the same thing (those types in fact do. Now disclaimer, this is not hate towards Christians. I am friends with Christians that accept who I am, but it is very few.)
im christian kinda andII accept who u are
@puresoulless wrote:
we've lowkey seen enough of these "why hate lgbtq people" type question.
Here's my answer! I don't hate them just because they like the same gender or whatever, it's just (not all but) most of the people in the community are kind of... Annoying?
II agree that some of them are but not even close to most
@sailor wrote:
I mean, anyone can be annoying. But how are they annoying? (this is a general question i am not trying to attack you i apologize if it seems that way.)
Ehh, I might be wrong but, in my perspective, they seem to be arguing all the time, even if it's the smallest things.
And they are like, attacking people that aren't yk, straight.
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@puresoulless wrote:
@sailor wrote:
I mean, anyone can be annoying. But how are they annoying? (this is a general question i am not trying to attack you i apologize if it seems that way.)
Ehh, I might be wrong but, in my perspective, they seem to be arguing all the time, even if it's the smallest things.
And they are like, attacking people that aren't yk, straight.
Well I will say our community unfortunately has a problem with... attacking our own members..! Can't deny that. There are biphobic lesbians and transphobic gay people which is unfortunate.
I agree anyone can be annoying and a lot of people hold it in but people who are already rotten off by some people might have more confidence to be themselves since they are already judged
well just yk, as long as there are people in the community that are acting that way, I wont except it, ya'll are a "community". They should manage there people to be more respectful, and then we'll also respect them.
That's like telling the entire United States to come together as people regardless of our differences (Which, you guessed it, wont happen! Not in a million years). No community is perfect.
ig ye.
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But point is, calling people annoying isn't worth it..
Since ANYONE can fit that category
History will settle it some way.
So lowkey we should just close this post and, do better things with our time ye?
Allllright I think on that note im gonna close the post because I do not see this going a good way
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