~Poem~ Fireproof Jacket.
Fireproof Jacket I don’t know how to start this. I fear I’m gonna ramble. But I guess that’s okay. I don’t know how to explain this feeling— like this body isn’t mine, like I was placed into it by mistake, as if my soul took a wrong turn on the way to being born. And for as long as I can remember, I have worn this flesh like an ill-fitting disguise, tugging at the seams, hoping it might stretch, might settle, might feel like home. But it never did. So I ignored it. Ignored the way it felt wrong, like a song played in the wrong key, like a prayer spoken with a trembling voice, like something broken that only I could hear. And I bore it in silence. But I tried. God knows I’ve tried. I prayed for it to stop, for it to leave my body. I begged for a miracle, for a sign, for God’s hands to reach down and make me whole. And when silence was all I received, I took matters into my own hands. I took a blade and cut my skin and flesh, hoping whatever was inside me would seep out, that the wrongness would spill from my veins, that I could bleed myself into something holy. But it never did. And then I fell in love. You know? The kind of love that makes you believe you could finally belong somewhere. But I stayed in the shadows, silent while the man I adored spoke of people like me as wicked, as if he wasn’t holding one in his arms. I let him love the version of me he could stomach, the version of me that would not make him flinch. And in doing so, I buried myself deeper. But silence can only last so long. It became loud. The war inside me, the endless questions, the gnawing fear of my own reflection. So I turned to scripture. I read, and read, and read— searching for a cure, desperate for proof that I was making a mistake, that I could unfeel what I had felt my whole life. Because how could I betray the very thing I grew up on? How could I stand before my Creator and say, “You made me wrong.” So I tried to choose salvation over truth. Faith over flesh. A promised destiny over what I knew best. But I do not know what waits for me in the afterlife. I do not know if there is a place for someone like me in the kingdom I was taught to long for. So when I finally pass away, when I take my last breath, when you see me lying in my casket, make sure I’m wearing a fireproof jacket. Because the person I want to be won’t land me in heaven.
its fye
i think its really good. maybe space out the paragraphs a little bit more. i love it though.
wow this is amazinggg!
this is good
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