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How do you stop having anxiety?


breathing exercises, don't overthink


healthy eating, breathing exercising and sleep.


@saltysuga wrote:
breathing exercises, don't overthink
How do you not overthink


@theydontknowmelly wrote:
healthy eating, breathing exercising and sleep. [/quote Okay


My anxiety goes through the roof honestly it’s hard for me to stop it


@forgetmylife wrote:
My anxiety goes through the roof honestly it’s hard for me to stop it
Knowing u Nas - I see


so basically whatchu gotta do is be happy and dont be anxious🤷


easy 2 say but hard 2 do


for example: when sum1 says i cant breathe. js breathe 🙏


People be very dramatic these days


@ykbatman wrote:
for example: when sum1 says i cant breathe. js breathe 🙏
Bru what if they can't breathe like wth type of advice was this


If sum1 be saying they cnat breathe. how are they talking. Like they js being dramatic frl


🥲☝🏽ur not good at ur advice 😒 and what if they tryna like contact u n say they can't breathe basically asking for help


if they try contacting me that means they fine.


and they js want attention


you must be anxiety to beat anxiety


When I have anxiety I hold my heart and count my fingers until my heart stops racing but if your anxiety is super bad lishen to an Audi of str8 ringing or beeping because it stops your mind from overthinking.


Get a stress ball lol, ask questions that are needed, get your self mentally prepared for things before you go into them. breathing exercises are a thing but for me they didn't work. Always have something on you that will help with anxiety. I've heard of some cases where js drinking water helps.


Go to therapy, find distractions, exercise, and focus on work and little victories throughout the day to make sure you're always striving to be better and more fulfilling with a days work. This will reduce stress and anxiety. Also don't procrastinate work because that just doesn't help.


@breiadabrattzz wrote:
@saltysuga wrote:
breathing exercises, don't overthink
How do you not overthink
You just dont


@carry wrote:
Go to therapy, find distractions, exercise, and focus on work and little victories throughout the day to make sure you're always striving to be better and more fulfilling with a days work. This will reduce stress and anxiety. Also don't procrastinate work because that just doesn't help.
Therapy doesn't help sadly 😭


@nainoah wrote:
Get a stress ball lol, ask questions that are needed, get your self mentally prepared for things before you go into them. breathing exercises are a thing but for me they didn't work. Always have something on you that will help with anxiety. I've heard of some cases where js drinking water helps.
But if your shaking?


@breiadabrattzz wrote:
@nainoah wrote:
Get a stress ball lol, ask questions that are needed, get your self mentally prepared for things before you go into them. breathing exercises are a thing but for me they didn't work. Always have something on you that will help with anxiety. I've heard of some cases where js drinking water helps.
But if your shaking?
Shaking is often because of your fight or flight, if shaking occurs I say that's when you would try calming yourself down by breathing softly or calmly idk, or have someone near you (pet, sibling, mother, friend..etc) you help you calm down would be great. emotional support pets do help as well as just having someone there for you if that makes sense


@nainoah wrote:
@breiadabrattzz wrote:
@nainoah wrote:
Get a stress ball lol, ask questions that are needed, get your self mentally prepared for things before you go into them. breathing exercises are a thing but for me they didn't work. Always have something on you that will help with anxiety. I've heard of some cases where js drinking water helps.
But if your shaking?
Shaking is often because of your fight or flight, if shaking occurs I say that's when you would try calming yourself down by breathing softly or calmly idk, or have someone near you (pet, sibling, mother, friend..etc) you help you calm down would be great. emotional support pets do help as well as just having someone there for you if that makes sense
Yeah I agree thank you this will help me


@breiadabrattzz wrote:
@nainoah wrote:
@breiadabrattzz wrote:
@nainoah wrote:
Get a stress ball lol, ask questions that are needed, get your self mentally prepared for things before you go into them. breathing exercises are a thing but for me they didn't work. Always have something on you that will help with anxiety. I've heard of some cases where js drinking water helps.
But if your shaking?
Shaking is often because of your fight or flight, if shaking occurs I say that's when you would try calming yourself down by breathing softly or calmly idk, or have someone near you (pet, sibling, mother, friend..etc) you help you calm down would be great. emotional support pets do help as well as just having someone there for you if that makes sense
Yeah I agree thank you this will help me


try to be a better person with the motive of you wanting to be stronger


and live by the truth not by flawed criticism of others because you dont know if its genuine to help or to just guilt trap you with accusations


people do that because they themselves are struggling with anxiety and to make themsleves feel better they push others down instead of breaking away from the cycle


I'm confused sadly...


thats how anxiety works and hot to get rid of it


anxiety is from bad life decisions that are not settled or solved and they are just kept away and so the trigger for the kept away issues is seeing someone not keeping them away for later but taking the hard way to get to the solution of fixing themselves this is why i say

@bruski wrote:
try to be a better person with the motive of you wanting to be stronger


the past or flawed stuff will cause you to have anxiety because its what is not perfect is gonna not be secure


And to be secure is to do what is brought out from many years of history to be correct and right. That all to fight insecurity


learning about the source of issues is what will fix insecurity and its deep inside every one of us


and anxiety is from insecurity


Some are from trauma


depends on the trauma which will force you to getting over anxiety unless u will still have anxiety


Yeah still do


if ur over the trauma then it could be something else or it could still be the trauma only you would know because you know what you think abou then the anxiety comes and the source of it. If you don then think deeply why you feel it in certian times




then ur not over it


you have to accept the feelings or thoughts that push and then find a way to fight them instead of pushing or blocking them away


thats step one


realizing ur enemy that is inside you


and how it works




Thank you


its also how u accept who you are with ur flaws and ur experiences


many are afraid of the outsider critique but to be human is to have flaws and the uglier they are the thougher of a human u will be when u overcome them. And overcoming them would mean they will be no longer a insecurity inside you


Why do you know sm


from learning


on myself and others that have lived


Oh okay


I don’t know

1 attachment

I don't think you can get rid of it.




Thanks i needed the answers to this question as well ❤️


Maybe ...don't answer my question if u can't gone give a genuine answer


Sadly, we can't get rid of Anxiety we can only suppress it So the solution (in my opinion) is t you take some Breaths or Listen to music, because everyone still going to have anxiety we just need to figure how to Deal with it


@breathless wrote:
Sadly, we can't get rid of Anxiety we can only suppress it So the solution (in my opinion) is t you take some Breaths or Listen to music, because everyone still going to have anxiety we just need to figure how to Deal with it
True thx u


Your welcome Breia :D Now I Go Suffer with Food ;3


Not true yes you can


I already explained how


No Bruski but he also has a point as well


Bc when u have anxiety it doesn't go away no matter what trauma or u heal from anything it will still be der


Anxiety is a heightened concern about something. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but too much of it can be. It can be helpful then to ask yourself why you're experiencing it. In the short term people have made a lot of good recommendations like breathing exercises. You can look these up online and try out various meditations techniques, like some use visualizations (imagining the air flowing through your lungs, etc). In the long term you want to figure out why you care about x, y, and z and if it's in your benefit to care to the level that you do, if it's affecting you this negatively. People can obsess to much about their looks for example, and be self conscious about things they can't change. Controlling your anxiety then becomes about self acceptance and a healthy mindset about who you are. Therapists can be a great help though if you can't piece this out yourself. But sitting down and thinking or writing out your thoughts on the above can get you there all the same.


Nice AI generated text bro


@bruski wrote:
Nice AI generated text bro
U talking to Shadow ?


Shadow never has AI texts. He's genuinely good with his words.


@bruski wrote:
Nice AI generated text bro
that's clearly not ai generated attention seeker ahh


Yes it is




By telling it to go away


@xxxghostxxx wrote:
By telling it to go away
Mhm ok that's so easy 😁


@breiadabrattzz wrote:
@xxxghostxxx wrote:
By telling it to go away
Mhm ok that's so easy 😁


Banana in me


jerk off to my pfp daddy


@baddiepostforme wrote:
jerk off to my pfp daddy




Listens too sigma fweh seeya rizzlers


simply tell it to go away

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