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Mathematics 51 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

bubbles i gtg eat dinner ill b rite bak

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

im back

OpenStudy (anonymous):

k :) whats your next problem?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

um x/-4 + 5 =1

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay, the first thing to do is to combine like terms. How do you think you can do that? We want to combine numbers that look alike.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

nothing looks alike

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay. Since the 5 has no x by it that means we can combine it with the 1. We do this by subtracting 5 from each side. Try this and tell me what you think the new equation would look like

OpenStudy (anonymous):

i think it is x/-4 = -4

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Perfect! You got this! Next we need to isolate the variable (x) by multiplying each side by -4. What does the equation look like now? And can you find the answer? :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

i dnt understand

OpenStudy (anonymous):

is it -4

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay, thats okay too. So our equation looks like this: x/-4 = -4. Since x is being divided by the -4 we need to get the x by itself and multiply x/-4 times -4 which would give us x. since we multiplied one side by -4 we multiple the other side by -4. And since two negatiavies that are mupltiplied by each other equal a positive your answer is x = 16

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yes i was rite

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yep :) good work!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yes wanna help me with more n im srry if im bugging u i just dnt get this stuff

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Its all good :) I will help you all you need, and your not bugging me. You will get it soon!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

k here is another one

OpenStudy (anonymous):

-7 = c/-6 + 12

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay, the process is just like the other one. Do you see any like terms that we can combine?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

do we mulitply -6 n -7

OpenStudy (anonymous):

We will, but that is our second step.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

ok then do u subtract 12 from both sides

OpenStudy (anonymous):

YES! :) your getting it! :)))) good job!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so then it would be -19 = c/-6

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Correct! What is our second step now?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

do u multiply by -6

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yep! :) on both sides

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so the answer is c = 114

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yes!!!! :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yay! lol here is another one x/4x - 7 = 8

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay :) what do we do first?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

i have no clue

OpenStudy (anonymous):

No problem! We start out like we did before by combining like numbers. So since the -7 and the 8 are not connected to any x's we can combine them

OpenStudy (anonymous):

So what would our new equation look like?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

its subract 7 noot -7

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Opps :) okay. So since the 7 is being subtracted we can add 7 to each side. So the new equation would be x/4x = 15

OpenStudy (anonymous):

then u would multiply 4 to each side rite

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

so the answer would be x=60

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Correct!!! :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

-12 = 6 + 2/3 y

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay! How do we start? Do you know the first step?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

subtract 6?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

you got it!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

the new equation would be -18 = 2/3y

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Yes! :) Now have you learned how to divide fractions?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay, no problem. So to divide by a fraction we have to actually multiple by the reciprocal. This means that instead of dividing by 2/3 from each side, we multiply each side by 3/2. The reciprocal just basically means the opposite of the fraction. Does that make sense?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so does tht mean y = 27

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Close. Since 18 is negative y = -27 :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

-17 = -32 - 3/5f

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Okay, so how do we start? Do yo remember? :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

umm do we add -17 n -32

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yep!!! :) brb

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay, im back

OpenStudy (anonymous):

ok so the new equation would be -49 - 3/5f

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Since we have to add the 32 that is negative to both sides we add it, so it is actually -17 + 32 which would be 15 :) but you got the right idea

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would b 15 - 3/5f

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yep! :) now we multiply each side by the reciprocal to get f by itself

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

since the equation is 15 = -3/5f we have to multiply each side by the reciprocal of -3/5 which would be 5/3. that would cancel out the right side, and on the left side we would have 15 times 5/3 = f

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so the answer would be f = 25

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yep!!! good work!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

8 - 3/8 = -4

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Are you sure thats the right question? Is there an x by one of the numbers?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yea iam not sure if thats right

OpenStudy (anonymous):

0.625 thats the answer not -4

OpenStudy (anonymous):

srry typed it wrong its 8 - 3/8k = -4 and christosc tht is the equation

OpenStudy (anonymous):

So do you remember what do first?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

ahhhh add 8 n -4?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

yep :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

soo now it would b 4 = 3/8k brb im crying need a tissue

OpenStudy (anonymous):

im bak

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Are you okay? okay

OpenStudy (anonymous):

my bf cheated on me n some st.upid stuff so ok bak to the problem

OpenStudy (anonymous):

oh :( im sorry. okay. so now multiply by the reciprocal which would be 8/3 on both sides

OpenStudy (anonymous):

would the answer be 10 2/3

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

k um -14 = s + 12/ -6

OpenStudy (anonymous):

okay. jas

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

So the first thing is we can simplify the fraction 12/-6. What would 12/-6 equal?

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

perfect! now its a simple problem: -14 = s -2

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so u would multiply -14 n 2

OpenStudy (anonymous):

not quite. this time you would just add 2 to each side and there is your answer :)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

s = -12

OpenStudy (anonymous):

perfect! I have to go help my roommate clean the bathroom now, but if you need more help I will be back in about 30 min

OpenStudy (anonymous):

So sorry! you are doing really well tho!

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thanks n ok bye

OpenStudy (anonymous):

im back, if you still need help

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