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Mathematics 23 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

ok is this permutation or combination and how many possible outcomes r there. writing a four digit # usingthe #s 0-9 with no repeats

OpenStudy (anonymous):

permutation= order matters...and combination=order does matter. If you are writing a 4 digit number, order does matter because what goes in the first place will effect the second number, and the first and second will affect the 3rd..and so on. since there are no repeats therefore it is a permutation

OpenStudy (anonymous):

but whats the answer

OpenStudy (anonymous):

you multiply the number of choices you have for each digit together

OpenStudy (anonymous):

for example first digit 10 choices second digit 9 choices (since no repeats)

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so it would be 9 times 8 times 7 times 6

OpenStudy (anonymous):

well the first digit has 10 choices since there are 10 numbers from 0 to 9... so its 10 times 9 times 8 times 7

OpenStudy (anonymous):

the answer in the back of the book says the answer is 35 how is that possible

OpenStudy (anonymous):

how is that possible

OpenStudy (anonymous):

hm....let me think about that

OpenStudy (anonymous):

is that the whole question? or is there some missing information?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thats it

OpenStudy (anonymous):

ayms its fine i will figure it out later i have 2 periods to figure it out tomorrow

OpenStudy (anonymous):

i dont think it's 35. I'm pretty sure its 5040

OpenStudy (anonymous):

actually it is not 10*9*8*7, the first digit may not be a 0 as that would be a 3 digit number, it is 9*9*8*7=4536

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