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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Eep. Halp! Identify the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the following functions!
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
\[f(x) = ( x\ x-2)\]
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Oh, that turned out badly. x over x - 2.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
g (x) = x over x + 4 plus 7. I've no idea how to code this.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
There's, like, five more, but I fear strangulation.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Can you type them in the equation editor? A vertical asymptote will be at whatever x value causes the denominator to = 0 (so in the first one, x=2 would be the vertical asymptote). Horizontal asymptotes are what the function does as x approaches \[\pm \infty\].
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Oops sorry, I don't know why that posted twice!
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