How do i work out hybridization?
Can you be more specific? My first reaction is "with a good textbook". Failing that, try Wikipedia. You may also be interested in the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory:
lol thanx anyway i wanted some1 to teach me the whole concept
There is a lot to explain the entire concept of hybridization, and the material is already out there in text books and on the net. If you don't have a proper textbook, here are a couple of free hybridization tutorials: Here is a 6 minute YouTube video on electronic and molecular geometry. You should also know this. After you read the wikipedia articles, the tutorials, and watched the video let me know if there is anything you don't understand.
thanx 4 all the help...
lemme see are you in ochem or gen chem i will be able to help you more if i know this. n i wont give you wiki links or any other links
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