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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Collect like terms 13mn+4m-5mn+9m
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
Based on the previous response, you should be able to do this one. Like terms are the ones with same variables and exponents.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
haha yeah. so it's 8mn + 13m
OpenStudy (anonymous):
8mn=13m :)
OpenStudy (anonymous):
sorry + lol
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Brittany how did you get 8?
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
That is wrong. If the original equation said " = 0", then you can do that. Even then, it would be 8mn = -13m.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
OpenStudy (anonymous):
Someone should really answer my question... just saying. ha. 13-5=8? right. or is my math off.
OpenStudy (anonymous):
lol u right
OpenStudy (anonymous):
lol good to know.
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OpenStudy (anonymous):
@djjewla - In your original expression, there are two like terms. One with mn and one with m. So, you gather them up and add or subtract just like you would any arithmetic expression. 13mn+4m-5mn+9m => 13mn - 5mn + 4m + 9m => 8mn + 13m
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