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Mathematics 72 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

PLEASE Help me! Paul is using a software program that allows him to change the shape of a two-dimensional figure by making changes to the angles at vertices. He starts with a quadrilateral with all four angles of different measures. He moves the vertices to make all four angles congruent. Which statement best describes the figure he created? A)He changed a kite to a parallelogram. B)He changed a trapezoid to a rectangle. C)He changed a trapezoid to a rhombus. D)He changed a kite to a square. I feel its B but i just want to be clear, please. i appreciate any help!

OpenStudy (cwrw238):


OpenStudy (anonymous):

None of those answer choices are very satisfactory, but one is suitable.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so my assumption is wrong?

OpenStudy (cwrw238):

thats a trapezoid with all 4 angles different the 2 largest sides are parallel moving the other sides will produce rectangle i think it is B

OpenStudy (anonymous):

It becomes a rectangle by def a rec has all angles right

OpenStudy (anonymous):

so im right on choice B?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

I think B too; a quadrilateral with four non-congruent sides isn't necessarily a trapezoid, but it could be. It's definitely not a kite.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Four angles congruent in a quadrilateral is rectangle, so yeah, I think that's the best option.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thank you very much guys (:

OpenStudy (cwrw238):


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