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Chemistry 62 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

Which of the following is true as you move from left to right on the periodic table? Elements become more metallic. Elements become more reactive. Elements get larger. Elements become poorer conductors of electricity. Non-metals are easily hammered into thin sheets without breaking. True False When milk sours, a new substance called lactic acid is formed. This is an example of a physical change. True False water is an example of a mixture. atom. compound. metal.

OpenStudy (sweetburger):

Elements get larger

OpenStudy (anonymous):


OpenStudy (sweetburger):

2nd is false

OpenStudy (sweetburger):

3rd false

OpenStudy (sweetburger):

water is a compound

OpenStudy (anonymous):

thanks for the 3rd time haha

OpenStudy (sweetburger):

np man

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