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Mathematics 60 Online
OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):

In ΔDEF shown below, segment DG is an altitude: Triangle DEF with segment DG drawn from vertex D and intersecting side EF. Which of the following is a step towards proving the similarity of triangles ΔDEF and ΔGED? Segment EF is a hypotenuse. Angle E is congruent to itself. Segment ED is shorter than segment EF. Segment EF is intersected by segment DG.

OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):

OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):


OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):

I'm thinking B or C

OpenStudy (welshfella):

Hint: similar triangles have equal angles

OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):


OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):

Is my answer B?

OpenStudy (civicsiscool44):


OpenStudy (welshfella):


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