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Mathematics 115 Online

Data were collected from basketball players last season. A histogram is titled Points Scored with the bar from 0 to 10 going up to frequency 3 and the bar from 20 to 30 going up to frequency 2 and the bar from 30 to 40 going up to frequency 4 and the bar from 40 to 50 going up to frequency 5 and the bar from 50 to 60 going up to frequency 6. Describe the shape of the distribution of points. Exactly symmetrical Approximately symmetrical Skewed left Skewed right


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the distribution of points is not exactly symmetrical, nor is it approximately symmetrical. Additionally, since the bar from 0 to 10 has a lower frequency than the bars to the right of it, we can conclude that the distribution is not skewed left. Therefore, the most likely answer is d) Skewed right, meaning that the distribution has a tail that extends to the right.


Thank you toga! I have some more if you'd be willing to help?


@urlocalgay wrote:
Thank you toga! I have some more if you'd be willing to help?
umm ok

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