if i am going through some kind of depression right now, how do i help myself, without hurting myself?
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play on the games bro,fine u a discord kitten,send her 2000k and realize its a dude,then run tp the store then realize when u get in the car it drowned then eat it like bro fish is so good B)
@graysonunderwoods wrote:
play on the games bro,fine u a discord kitten,send her 2000k and realize its a dude,then run tp the store then realize when u get in the car it drowned then eat it like bro fish is so good B) (its to make u laugh so laugh monkey)
maybe first get off of pad and qc and get some actual help from people irl like a doctor yk
To be honest, just listen too skibbidi toilet and alpha sigma
Talk to someone who will listen, and find out healthy coping mechanisms. Nature and writing has helped me, so find something calming and bring out a creative side. There's many different healthy coping skills out there, you just have to find the one that helps you most.
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Write out some things that you think would bring positive change to your life. Target one and find the beginning step that you are willing to take. The hardest part is starting for many people, so simply find what you are able and willing to do, it all starts there.
Think of it like planting a tree. It all starts with a seed, a little sapling. Then water it every day, tend to it meaningfully, and it will grow. Your daily positive actions towards and for yourself will compound, and you will find a tree there in time to come.
@shadow wrote:
Write out some things that you think would bring positive change to your life. Target one and find the beginning step that you are willing to take. The hardest part is starting for many people, so simply find what you are able and willing to do, it all starts there.
I agree with the Eminence. I can relate to what you're going through trust me I've been there and I'm still there, in a dark place lost in an a infinite void of sorrow. Just try and write things out, try to start your day off with being grateful for the things you do have. We all lose sometimes put it's about getting back up and surrounding yourself around good people. Just try Bot and you'll see peace I can guarantee it keep your head up. I'm here if you want to talk
Yup. The reason I emphasize actions is because you can't think yourself out of depression. It's like stepping into a boxing ring with an opponent who knows everything about you, including all your weaknesses. Taking actions, however small, and focusing on the positives, will undermine at every corner the shadows that seek to drag you down. @bot1 I wish you well on your journey.
@shadow wrote:
Yup. The reason I emphasize actions is because you can't think yourself out of depression. It's like stepping into a boxing ring with an opponent who knows everything about you, including all your weaknesses. Taking actions, however small, and focusing on the positives, will undermine at every corner the shadows that seek to drag you down. @bot1 I wish you well on your journey.
The background character is right again. Try practicing mindfulness like meditation and journaling like Shadow said. Just don't ponder upon the bad. Focus on what's in front of you right now. Keep your head up @Bot1 you'll win the battle. I'll be here if you stumble we'll fight it together. I now bid you ado.
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i dont want to talk, i need to.
Find someone your close with who has gone through similar issues and talk to them. Cause it is just gonna get worse, I know from experience.
@bot1 wrote:
i dont want to talk, i need to.
if u need to vent my pm are a safe place were there is no judgement and listening to music can help and seeking professional that specializes in mental health
what pm
@bot1 wrote:
what pm
private message
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Hug a girl.
no girls tryina hug me
@bot1 wrote:
no girls tryina hug me
understandable ik some people are not comfortable with hugs
no, they comfortable with it, they just dont like me. im not very social at school
ts lol
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@bot1 wrote:
i dont want to talk, i need to.
You know I'm here for you, just like you're there for me. You can always come to me friend
@ykbatman wrote:
that's pretty much the only option bud
you would be such an amazing therapist i would book you fs
I'm always open
just book an appointment frl
and you should get through to me in about 10- 20 business days
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@ykbatman wrote:
and you should get through to me in about 10- 20 business days
@bot1 wrote:
no girls tryina hug me
I'd hug you dude, your my best friend
Honestly, try listening to music w good vibes and find someone you can trust n vent to em and just let them listen its ok to cry , write what you feel, talk to chat gbt thts my therapist, if not talk to someone who doesnt judge , sleep, or exersice , go for a walk
just stop being depressed
you're welcome
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@euphoriiic wrote:
just stop being depressed
Realest solution right there.
that's not necessarily something someone can fix just by stopping it. Even with medications i can't stop my depression, it sucks having to reply on medication and therapy to be happy...but it does help. There's this FAST that helps with depression, anxiety, trauma, and a lot more. I don't know if ever state has it, but where i live it does. I was in the program for 3 months after i got out of the hospital for suicidal ideation. It helped me so much, i'd never felt more connect to a therapist before. So if this program is available to you in your state i would recommend reaching out to them. They're awesome. They'll come to your home and ask you questions. Mine took 3 hours to complete. Just depends on the person. If your not sure if the program is available to you, simple look it up. A lot of us have been where you are now, and some still going through it....suicide and depression are horrible feelings, but you can't control it. Especially with past trauma's, rough lifestyle, abuse, ect;. Anyways i hope this program helps those who need it. be safe
@lillys2account wrote:
that's not necessarily something someone can fix just by stopping it. Even with medications i can't stop my depression, it sucks having to reply on medication and therapy to be happy...but it does help. There's this FAST that helps with depression, anxiety, trauma, and a lot more. I don't know if ever state has it, but where i live it does. I was in the program for 3 months after i got out of the hospital for suicidal ideation. It helped me so much, i'd never felt more connect to a therapist before. So if this program is available to you in your state i would recommend reaching out to them. They're awesome. They'll come to your home and ask you questions. Mine took 3 hours to complete. Just depends on the person. If your not sure if the program is available to you, simple look it up. A lot of us have been where you are now, and some still going through it....suicide and depression are horrible feelings, but you can't control it. Especially with past trauma's, rough lifestyle, abuse, ect;. Anyways i hope this program helps those who need it. be safe
ngl I ain't reading alllllll that but...lilly got wise words so period