any tips on how to pass geometry regents exams ? (i failed the class and every unit)
Study, And if you don't like to study then make cards of the units with little info of the whole unit. Yk? For example like get a small card n write things that r Important to YOU not to any1 else. And study those after a test n stuff. that's what I'm doing w/ my classes rn keeps me from failing em 👍🏽
yw fam. I get ya fully ong. I used to fail every class I had till I started doing that
Luck, At that point guess
and also do some flashcards. Get rid of ones u already know, focus on ones u don't.
think on the questions, make as educated guesses as possible, memorize the basic stuff like angles and areas and circumference and all that, and if you have no idea, choose C
if you can get the basic geometry things, that's like half of most final geo tests
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