~A Guy Named Lucifer~ Once a pretty angel, Beautiful as a flower, Beginning to bloom in spring, Now forced to be a monster, With a heart black as the night, As the lights are out, And all the stars are covered by dark clouds, Leaving no way to see. As he falls, Deep into the ground, He does not see an end to this madness, As people call him ‘The Devil’, Giving him the name ‘Lucifer’, People treat him as a villain, Leaving him in the dark to be all alone. But why did he fall? Was he a criminal, or a creature of pure evil? Or was he just misunderstood? Did he just need someone, To be there and care for him, Even when he made mistakes. Maybe he isn’t the beast you make him out to be. Maybe he just made an honest mistake, But you threw him out, And told him he wasn’t welcome. Yet you told him you’d always love him, Told him you wouldn’t ever shun him, Or turn him away, You liar, You preach your light and darkness, Yet in his hour of need, you pushed him to the dirt, Now he sits there at the bottom of the world, Wondering if he truly did something wrong, If he truly was the Devil people told him he was. But then a spark in him ignites, A fire in his supposed black soul. As he realizes, He wasn’t really Lucifer, Maybe that would be his name now, But he wasn’t the offender, He was just confused, And needed someone to help him, And now he is unsure of where to go, Because the people, Who he thought cared for him the most, Pushed him deep in the mud, Leaving scars and wounds over his soul. Now he must refind this trust, In people, he thought he knew, To climb back up to the top, So he can show everyone, That he isn’t the villain of the story, But maybe, Just maybe, He’s the hero, Everyone wishes to be.
oouu W poemm
very good.
this is good! there is a lot of feeling in this poem
I felt this poem in my deep in my soul.
i hate the poem because it feels like it's just trying to manipulate emotions without really saying anything meaningful like come on it's the devil like broooo
I feel this poem and I love it
Good job
poem is trash
good poem, but he was full-on evil
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