-Unfazed- In a world of whispers, I stand tall, Dodging the echoes, I refuse to fall. With every glance that tries to pry, I simply smile, and let it fly. Let judgments rain like autumn leaves, I’m rooted deep; I’m who I please. The weight of opinions? Not my load, I’ll pack my joy, and hit the road. - Me
“Judgement falls like autumn leaves.” What does this line mean to you? Why did you write it? I think the rhymes “tall” and “fall” “fly” and “pry” and “load” and “road” are pretty cliched and an easy way to quickly write something. How long did this poem take you to write?
You always do good on your poems you post, I like all of them. Good job 💯
The statement "Judgement Falls like autumn leaves" Translates to the leaves being everyone's opinions about me and how it just comes out of everybody mouth. It took me a solid 15 to 20 min to do this poem, Its not really my Greatest one but I have tried. Thank You!
If you’d ever like you can always DM me your drafts and I could give constructive feedback before you publish. I love writing and I love helping people improve in this valuable skill.
wow sos sigma
Very deep
pain i like this
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