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Physics 54 Online
OpenStudy (anonymous):

what exactly happens to a substance when it goes into a black hole

OpenStudy (anonymous):

well,the substance does not get teleported into another dimension or anything like that.a black hole is an object that just sucks things into,if something were to fall into a black hole's path,then it would be crushed as if it is crush landed onto the black hole..well only a lot worse......

OpenStudy (anonymous):

with what force does it suck things into it?

OpenStudy (anonymous):

A black hole is formed from the collapse of a massive star....well i can say that the force of gravity stuck thngs into it...u should watch "national Discovery"......

OpenStudy (anonymous):

physically, the object goes through a process Dr. N.D. Tyson so aptly named, spagetification. Since the black hole is so massive, and its gravitational pull not only so great but so parabolic-ally increasing, as a physical object enters the hole (being a planet, space ship, person, ect) the object is first stretched as it enters the black hole. As the object goes further into the hole, it is stretched to the point of bifurcation or crumbling (as black holes mostly consume celestial objects.) Deeper into the hole, with the gravitation pull still increasing, the space-time surrounding the hole narrows, and the object not only becomes stretched, but also compressed immensely, and goes through relativistic changes. If it should "come out the other side" it would look alot like spaghetti. In short, stretched and compressed.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Matter losses its elemental characteristic and become a very high density mass not comparable to even the most massive of the atoms.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

Force related to gravity depends of the mass of both bodies and the distance between them.\[F=G(Mm/r^2)\]where G is the gravitational constant:\[G=6.67x10^{-11} N.m ^{2}/Kg ^{2}\]If (M) is immeasurable compared to (m), and the greater the Force the closest the mass gets to (M) so (r) is smaller and smaller, then the equations goes divided by a smaller number producing an ever greater Force. It meddle with relativistic values so if the density is infinite and the distance is basically nil, then the force is also infinite.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

we can predict only as far as the set of laws we have presently but the fact remains that there is no theory presently which can explain a black hole properly. the singularity is a point where our entire knowledge of physics break down.

OpenStudy (anonymous):

We know that between the event horizon and the singularity it gets squished like a toothpaste tube, as described above, but at the singularity itself the laws of physics are not known. It's probably not pleasant though.

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